The two writers wake up in a prison cell some unknown amount of time later.
Kathryn: Where are we?
Molly: In a prison cell, dummy!!! This is all your fault!!!
Kathryn: MY fault? MY FAULT?
Molly: Yes, your fault!
Kathryn: How is it my fault?
Molly: You didn't surrender.
Kathryn: Huh? What should I have done?
Molly: What you did. See, this way it's your fault even though you did the write thing.
Kathryn: That was 2/3 of a pun Molly, P-U
Molly: As you are so fond of saying, Thank ya, thank ya very much.
Kathryn: (groans) What a time for you to get a sense of humor!!!
Molly: What do you mean GET one. I have one. You're the one who's been missing one.
They hear two people clearing their throats and they look up into their own faces.
Evil Kat: Well, if it isn't the good writer twins.
Evil Mol: Yeah, well, since the two of you decided not to cooperate Y2K decided to take things into his own hands.
Evil Kat: So he created us, evil clones of you two. We'll rewrite your stories and we won't be writing no stinkin' PG stuff.
Kathryn: How dare you!!!!!!!!!!! You . . . . You . . . You . . . You . . . evil people!!!!
Evil Mol: Oh, that's a good one.
Kathryn: (to Molly) She sounds just like you!
Molly: Well, she is me.
Kathryn: Not hardly.
Evil Mol: We'll ruin your stories.
Evil Kat: And your email lists
Evil Mol: And your webpages
Evil Kat: And your reputations
Kathryn grabs the bars and begins jerking on them futilely as the evil clones leave.
Molly: Kathryn, calm down, there's nothing we can do.
Suddenly evil Mol sticks her head back in.
Evil Mol: Oh, and Molly, we'll finish Endless Night, Dawning Day for you - our way, romance included!!!
Evil Molly exits.
Molly tries to remain calm, but
Kathryn looks more than a little shocked at Molly.
Kathryn: But Molly, calm down, there's nothing we can do!
Molly: AARRGG, that's my story!!!
Kathryn: And just how do you think I feel, as I have more stories than you?
Molly: What'll we do?
Kathryn: Don't worry, I have a communicator, it has just enough power for two calls.
Molly: And where did you get it?
Kathryn: Hey, I'm the author, I don't need an explanation.
Molly: Ah ha!
Kathryn: Okay, you call Obi-Wan, if he's not there, then I'll call Qui-Gon.
Molly dials Obi-Wan's comlink number (850-047-1013 - just a random number I typed in - It's 8:50 pm, 47 minutes recorded so far on the tape for the show I'm recording, and I'm watching X-Files, 1013 is a significant number on that show. THIS IS NOT REALLY EWAN OR OBI-WAN'S NUMBER!!!).
Molly: Hey Obi-Wan! *bats her eyelashes*
Kathryn: (whispers) Cut the flirting Molly!
Molly: Shut up!
Obi-Wan: What?
Molly: Not you, Kathryn's being a pain again. Look Obi-Wan, we need help, could you come rescue us?
Kathryn: (dramatically) Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
Molly glares at Kathryn and if looks could kill then Kathryn would have been dead on the spot.
Obi-Wan: Look Molly, you and Kathryn will have to figure this one out, I'm kinda busy, sorry.
The comm channel is cut.
Molly: How rude!!!!!!
Kathryn: Don't worry, I'll call Qui-Gon and he'll help us and Obi-Wan will be in deep doggy doo-doo.
Kathryn dials Qui-Gon's number. He doesn't answer but they get his machine:
"Hello, you have reached Qui-Gon Jinn. Since you are hearing this, I'm probably off somewhere saving the galaxy. If you will leave a message, after the beep, I'll attempt to get back to you as soon as possible. Remember, your focus determines your reality. May the Force Be With You, Always! Have a nice day and don't forget to buckle up!!!
Kathryn: Hey, Qui-Gon, this is Kathryn, ummmm . . . I . . .errrr . . . hate answering machines . . . But anyway, we're . . . ummmmm . . . in some . . . errr trouble and we need your help . . . I, ummmmm errrrr, We're in a prison cell on the planet . . .
Beep Beep Beep!!!!
Auto voice: Your message has exceeded the maximum time limit. Please call again later, oh by the way, we have charged your account 2.5 credits for exceeding the limit. Have a nice day and don't forget to buckle up!!!
Kathryn: If I hear, "Have a nice day and don't forget to buckle up" again, I'll PUKE!!!!
Molly: Kathryn, Have a nice day and don't forget to buckle up!!!
Kathryn: DIE MOLLY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathryn begins to chase Molly around and around and around the cell.
End Chapter 2