Where'd the Studio Go?
Hey Guys. Lone Wolf...
I figured that I'd get in contact with y'all about what's going on. It's been almost a year since I last looked at the webbie (that little bit of information can be seen down below) and, well...things have not gotten any better for me.
What has happened between May of 2004 and Febuary of 2005? Well, I've had a major identity crisis, and, well, long story short, I've changed furs. That will be discussed later.
Additionally, yes, THERE IS NEW WRITING. There is at least one new Hunter story done, as well as a few...naughty pieces of writing.
The new stuff will be uploaded when VCL gets their uploader working properly. -.-
To my WWC fanclub...what can I say except "I'm sorry". I look at the original WWC (I'm talking stuff you guys have never, ever seen before), and I look at WWC 2.0...and it's not working. I've lost the inspirational spark that I had four years ago when I started it. I know that hurts you, but it hurts me even more. This was my FIRST excursion into writing. To see it...die...hurts the most. But there is hope.
Using the original story as a base, I will attempt a new series. It'll be the same characters, the same concept, the same world...except...I'll be taking it in a different direction. Characters that I pushed aside (the ones that I really enjoyed) will be getting more air time (that's something good for you guys that like my maintenance girl, Swift). Just give me time...and maybe a few suggestions.
Is there something you, what few loyal readers I have, can do? Well, actually, there are several:
1) I need a new website design. Not just a design layout and suggestions on what I should do; I need the raw HTML, graphics, and an explination of where I can make the simple changes I want to.
2) I need more inspiration, preferably in monitary form. I've got bills coming out of all holes in me and, since I live where I do, it's become a trip and a half simply to find people that'll CONSIDER hiring me.
3) PLEASE be patient. I've got working plans for a few things that I'm sure will please...
4) Get me in contact with a publishing company crazy enough to saddle me. I really would like to get my Hunters short stories out in paperback...so I can slake that particular level of evil upon the world! :3
We all clear on that? Good. The old site is still up, if you wish to go visit. Please, have faith. I'll get it working again.
...I hope.
Wishing you the best of times,
Lone Wolf
Hey Guys. Lone Wolf here.
I know, I know. It's been a year since I last updated. And it's been a hellish year to boot. I've been through so much as of late, I've neglected the site. I'm experiencing some really, really bad flak in my life...
And as a result, I've lost time to write.
Don't worry, the old site is still there. The link is right below this little info block. I plan on having it redone. There will be new writing - once I can get to it.
When will this be done? I don't know. I don't even know if it's going to stay here. Well, such is life.
I apologize to those of you who were expecting some of my projects to be updated. I know for a fact that those of the WWC fanclub want me to update (and I assure you, there are new chapters) and are probably disappointed that I didn't live up to my end of the bargain when I said that the third installment would be available by the beginning of this year.
See y'all soon (hopefully),
Lone Wolf
<[( Lone Wolf Studios ])>
Location of the old site
Old LWS Frontpage
Lone Wolf's Livejournal (for those of you who wish to see WHY I haven't updated lately)