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Lone Wolf Request Service

Yes, now you too can have a story based on your idea written up for by Lone Wolf himself! Want to know how? Take a look:

Random Works: What I mean by random works is the short pieces that have no characters you see more than once. Just drop a mail that specifies the character species and what you want to see done, and I will try my best. Basic restrictions apply.

Works Using My Characters: Want to see Ashley chase down something she hasn't already? Feel the need to give Crash and his boys a little hell? Just send a mail with what characters you want me to use and what the situation is. All of my characters apply, save a few. Basic and Special Case One restrictions apply.

Works Using YOUR characters: I might be a little more reluctant to do these. But hell, if I like the idea, I'll give it a shot. Just drop a mail stating your character's name(s), personality(ies) (as descriptive as you can please), and the situation. Basic and Special Case Two restrictions apply.

Works using both your characters and mine: These will be infrequent. But hey, who knows. See above for details. Basic and Special Case Three rules apply.

If you really want to do this, just drop and e-mail to Lone Wolf stating the following:

Your name (or alter ego for you furry fans)
Your e-mail
What category you want done.
The details.

If I approve of the idea, you will recieve an e-mail. When the work is completed, it will be put up on the site with your name on it (usually under a "Requested by" title) and you will recieve a full .doc copy of it with all the formatting you cannot get on the site. Just be sure to follow the following restrictions as they apply:

Basic restrictions:
- I'm not a true smut writer. I am still learning and would like to do it at my own pace. If it's a good situation, I won't mind doing it. But if it's a straight out fuck fest, consider it gone.
- Blood and gore are fine, provided it doesn't get so bad it starts dripping off my computer screen.
- Try to keep the number of characters you request down to a small number. Three at the most please.
- NO RAPE. I am not a creep. I only use it to develope a character. Don't like it. Fuck you.

Special Case One:
- I will let you use any of my characters. However, I want to make one thing clear: My femmes Suzie, Stephanie, and Ashley are sacred. I don't like the situation you put them into, I'll make sure everyone knows what kind of a creep you are.
- NO RAPE INVOLVING MY CHARACTERS. My male characters will not committ it. My female characters will not go through it. And if you break this rule involving the three I mentioned in the previous restriction, you will be entered into my "Wall of Shame." I'd hate to be the first one to end up there.
- If you want the story to take place some time before or after their current spot in time, please keep it to three years.

Special Case Two:
- Please, I don't want to so smut involving your fine characters. Unless I'm familiar with your work (for example, I'm a fan of your art site which happens to harbor smut), I refuse to do it. Don't ask.
- Be warned. I've done this before. The characters ended up NOT being like what they were imagined by their creators. I am not responsible for my actions with your guys.

Special Case Three:
- I will not allow my characters to have sex with your characters. Unless I know you (you know who you are) and I like your characters, don't bother.
- I don't wish to have hostile action between your people and mine. It is highly discouraged.

Details on Writing/Art Trades are to come later.

Well, what are you waiting for? Think and send it in!

Send in a request!