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Rocketed from a distant planet to a bold new destiny on Earth.  Found by a Kansas family and raised as Clark Kent.  He learned he possessed the strength of steel, the speed of light, and the desire to help all mankind.  He is…Superboy!


The Adventures of Superboy

Dark Prince, Part I

By Adam Hoerner


It was midnight in Capitol City.  It had been a couple of years since Byron Shelley had been here, but it still looked the same.  He had some good friends in this town, but now was not the time to look them up.  He was on the trail of a very dangerous gang of biker vampires known as the Dark Riders.  They had been working their way across the country, terrorizing a number of small towns and turning as many people as they could.  Byron had cured many of their victims of vampirism, but some had escaped and joined his father’s army of darkness.  Capitol City was the first large metropolis the Dark Riders had visited, and Byron was determined to make sure it was the last.  Their trail had gone cold a week ago, but had heated up considerably this morning.  Byron had stumbled upon a resort community in northern Florida the gang had attacked.  The people he tended to said they overheard the bloodsuckers talking about hitting Capitol City tonight.  From the looks of things as he drove his rented car toward the town square, they had heard correctly.  The police were engaged in a full-scale battle with the Dark Riders outside the many nightclubs and other businesses that provided the city’s nightlife.  The gang’s move was bold, but it made sense.  They hit the area with the largest concentration of young people.  Unfortunately for them, it was also the place guaranteed to draw the quickest response by the cops.  The area was blocked off, so Byron pulled his car into an alley a block away from the barricades.  He abandoned his car and stealthily made his way up the sidewalk, wanting to get a closer look at the situation before joining the fight.  The cops had the six vampires outnumbered considerably, but they didn’t possess supernatural powers.  Byron did, however, and he drew his sword in the shadows of a nearby building.  The silver blade gleamed in the moonlight as he leapt into the fray.  He kicked one Dark Rider in the head even as he moved toward another that had a SWAT officer at his mercy.  Upon seeing Byron, the bloodsucker dropped his victim and bared his fangs at Byron.  He lunged at Dracula’s son, but Byron was too quick for him.  He deftly sidestepped and slashed the Dark Rider in the midsection.  When he doubled over, Byron drove his blade through its back into its heart.  The creature disintegrated into a pile of dust even as it fell to the ground.  Byron whirled around just as two more Dark Riders charged him.  He flipped over their heads, landing behind them.  With a powerful stroke of his sword, he beheaded them, their bodies turning to ashes.  Before he could make another move a fourth gang member came up behind him armed with a Billy club and struck Byron’s arm, causing him to drop his sword.  The creature then struck Byron in the head before putting him in a stranglehold, using the club to choke him.  Byron fought to breathe, trying to remain conscious.  The vampire had one of his arms locked up, and Byron was using the other to try and break the stranglehold.  Unable to do so, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small plastic container filled with water.  Byron flipped off the lid and threw the holy water at the creature’s face, killing it.  The fifth Dark Rider came at Byron with a flying kick to the chest as the sixth picked up his sword.

Byron scrambled to his feet and squared off with the unarmed vampire.  As they circled each other, the sixth creature charged at Byron from behind with the sword pointed straight ahead.  Byron did a back flip over the sword wielder’s head, and he ran his cohort through.  The final creature whirled around only to be stabbed through the heart by a small silver knife.  In a matter of seconds, the fight was over.  But Byron had no time to stand around and revel in his victory.  He quickly moved to those who had been bitten, applying the antidote that kept him from giving into his inborn bloodlust.  As he finished, a pair of cops approached him.  He always tried to avoid the police.  He tried to do his work in secret.  But tonight, it couldn’t be helped.  He looked around for a way to escape them and their questions, but the huge crowds and the emergency vehicles that were arriving boxed him in.

“Good evening, officers.  Is there a problem?”

“Not if you come with us,” one of them replied.  Byron hated to use his mental powers on those who would be his allies, but he had no choice.  He locked eyes with the officer who had spoken and said, “But I have done nothing wrong.  I saved these people.  I should be free to go.”

“No you shouldn’t,” the second officer said.  “You’re coming with us.”

“No, I’m not,” he said, turning his hypnotic gaze on the second cop.

“Yes, you are,” the first policeman replied, handcuffing Byron.  He couldn’t understand it.  His powers didn’t work.  But how could that be possible?  The only people who could withstand his psychic abilities were other vampires.  Suddenly, it all made sense.  He had walked right into his father’s clutches.  But before he could make a move to break free, the second cop injected him with some kind of tranquilizer while the first officer held him tightly.  The last thought he had before losing consciousness was his serum.  He had used up the last of it on the Dark Riders’ victims.  There was more in his car, but he’d never get to it now.  His father had won.  There was no escape for him.  At least, that’s what he thought.  But he was unaware of a familiar face in the crowd, watching as he was loaded into the vampire-cop’s black van.  It was Lana Lang.


Meanwhile, Superboy was busy with a volcano eruption on the Hawaiian Islands.  Molten lava threatened a nearby town and resort.  The Boy of Steel had arrived as quickly as possible, but he would have to act fast to save everyone.  There was far too much lava for him to cool it off with his super-breath.  The only thing he could do was divert the lava flow.  He flew toward the mountain and began spinning rapidly, turning himself into a human drill.  He bore a large pathway into the rock, creating a curving slide for the lava that led into the ocean.  He hovered over the volcano for a moment to make sure his plan was working, then he flew to the top of the volcano and used his super-breath to stop any more lava from pouring out.  He descended into town and received a warm round of applause.  After making sure nobody was hurt, he departed and flew back to Capitol City.  He arrived at his apartment and changed back into Clark before checking his answering machine.  The lone message was from Lana.

“Clark, I hope you get this soon.  It’s about 12:15.  I don’t have a lot of time to explain.  The short version is that Byron Shelley is back in town, and he’s been captured by some vampires posing as cops.  They’re in a black van on highway 21.  I’m following them right now.  I’ve got Byron’s serum with me.  Just look for my jeep.  Please hurry.”  Clark glanced at his watch.  It was 12:30.  He tore his shirt open, revealing the familiar S emblem of Superboy.  Moments later, the Boy of Steel rocketed out of the city and was over highway 21.  A quick look using his telescopic vision showed Lana and the black van about ten miles ahead of him.  They were approaching an exit ramp.  There was no time to lose.  If they drove into the next town, there would be a lot of people in danger should a full-scale battle break out.  He wanted to end this quickly.  He headed toward street level, pausing briefly beside Lana’s jeep so she knew he was there.  He flew up behind the van and grabbed the rear bumper, forcing it to a stop.  Seconds later, the two vampire-cops came around to the back of the vehicle, fangs bared.  Superboy acted swiftly and aggressively.  He grabbed them both by the collar, one in each hand, and threw them into the bushes on opposite sides of the road.

“Lana, the serum!”  She ran over as Superboy tore the rear doors off.  Byron was inside, chained up.  He was just starting to awaken from the tranquilizer.  He growled at Superboy as he carried Byron out of the van.  He held him up while Lana poured the serum down Byron’s throat.  Dracula’s son choked and coughed, dropping to his knees.  Moments later, he looked up at his rescuers, gratitude in his eyes.

“Thank you, my friends.  You have saved me from a dire situation.”

“Glad to be of help,” Superboy replied, breaking Byron’s chains.  Suddenly, the two vampires came running over, leapt into the van, and drove off.  Superboy started running after them.

“Let them go!” Byron said.  “They are only lackeys.  They work for my father.  We will meet again soon enough.  But now is not the time.  There has been enough violence for one night.  Let us return to Capitol City.”

“If you need any more help, Lana knows how to get in touch with me.”

“I appreciate that.  I’ll be in town for the next few days.  I’m sure we’ll talk again.”

“I hope so.  It would be nice to see each other when we weren’t fighting off an army of vampires,” Superboy said, laughing.  “Drive carefully.  I’ll see you both later.”  With that, he took off into the night sky.

“Do you have a place to stay?” Lana asked as they got in her jeep.

“I’ll get a hotel room somewhere.”

“Nonsense.  Save your money.  You can stay at my apartment.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am.  I’m not afraid as long as you take your medicine,” she said, laughing.

“Speaking of which, we’ll have to go pick up my car,” Byron said.

“No problem.”

“Thank you again, Lana.  I can’t tell you how important it is for someone like me to have friends like you and Superboy.”


Many miles away in Transylvania, Count Dracula stood inside one of the many rooms in his castle.  But this room was a little different from the others, with banks of computers and other communications equipment lining the walls.  A number of technicians were hard at work, keeping tabs on the secret world of vampires of which Dracula was the leader.  At the moment, Dracula had just finished a rather upsetting conversation with the two minions he had sent to retrieve his son.  He ordered them to stay in Capitol City for the time being and await further orders.  He was sorely tempted to instruct them to jump into a vat of holy water and die.  But then again, it wasn’t really their fault.  Superboy was a very formidable opponent.  Something would have to be done about him, which was exactly the reason Dracula had gathered his most trusted soldiers before him for a very important meeting.

“My friends, the war against those who would hunt us nearly saw its conclusion tonight.  Should we succeed in turning my son, there would be no place on Earth the vampire hunters could hide.  But the unscheduled interference of Superboy has halted our plans for the time being.  It is now clear to me that before we deal with my son we must deal with the hero.  But to simply kill a being of his power would be a waste.  Therefore, we are going to turn him once again.  But this time he will not resist.”

“Begging the master’s pardon, but how can you be sure?  His strength is incredible.”

“Agreed.  But it was not his physical abilities that saved him last time.  Even Superboy is vulnerable to the supernatural.  What saved him was his willpower.  That boy is driven by a flame of hope that none have been able to extinguish.  But I have found the way.  The red-haired girl is the key.  Destroy her, and you drain Superboy’s will to fight.  And once he becomes one of us, my son will soon follow.  And then nothing will stand in the way of our quest for world domination.”


The following evening, Clark and Lana were heading for Lana’s jeep after work at the Bureau to go meet Byron for dinner at the Club.  As they were about to get in, a familiar black van sped around the corner and screeched to a halt beside them.  Four vampires jumped out of the back and converged on them.  Two went for Lana while the other two grabbed Clark.  Lana was injected with a tranquilizer and loaded into the rear of the van while Clark looked on in horror.  He couldn’t let them take her, but he also couldn’t expose his powers on a crowded street.  As he stood there struggling against his captors, the van’s passenger door opened, and out stepped a man dressed in a tuxedo and a flowing black cloak.  He had black hair that was combed back, and a pair of piercing black eyes.  He looked to be in his forties, but Clark suspected he was much older than that.

“Good evening, Clark Kent.  Allow me to introduce myself.  I am Count Dracula.”

“Where are you taking Lana?”

“That is not your concern.  It is, however, Superboy’s concern.  I want you to deliver a message to him.”  As he spoke, he locked eyes with Clark, overwhelming him with his mental powers.  “Give us a half-hour head start and then tell Superboy to go to the hangar where we first met.  Do you understand?”

“I understand,” Clark said blankly.

“Good boy.  Now go home.”  Clark mindlessly obeyed and walked calmly away as Dracula got into the van before it sped off.


A half-hour later, Clark awoke in his apartment, sitting on the couch.  He instantly remembered everything that had happened.  There was no time to lose.  Dracula and his minions had Lana.  This was most definitely a trap, but he didn’t care.  Without Lana, his life was empty.  But he had a phone call to make first.  He dialed the number for the Club and asked to have Byron paged.

“Hello,” Byron said.

“Byron!  It’s Clark.  We’ve got a big problem.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Your father has Lana.  He wants Superboy to meet him at the abandoned hangar off highway 21.  Do you know the one I mean?”

“Yes, I do.  Don’t worry, Clark.  Superboy and I will save Lana.”

“Thank you.  Please hurry.”

“I will.  Goodbye, Clark.”

“Bye,” he said, hanging up the phone.  Moments later, Superboy flew out the window in the direction of the hangar.  As he approached, he saw Dracula waiting calmly outside.  The black van was parked nearby, and its driver and four other passengers stood close to their master.  A quick scan of the hangar with his X-ray vision revealed nothing.  The building had been lined with lead.  Dracula had done his homework.  He touched down a safe distance away from them, wanting to get a handle on the situation before starting a fight.

“Where’s Lana?”

“Inside,” Dracula answered.  “She is tied quite securely to a chair in the middle of the hangar.  The entire building has been wired with explosives.  All I have to do is set them off, and Lana dies.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”

“But you don’t.  You will be helpless to do anything but watch her die.”

“No!” he screamed, charging toward them.  It was five against one, but Superboy was a man possessed.  The Boy of Steel was a blur of fists as Dracula’s minions went flying in all directions.  Within moments, it was just Superboy and Dracula.

“Now let her go!”

“Enough of this,” Dracula said, locking eyes with Superboy.  “Get down on your knees in the presence of your master.”  Superboy tried to resist, but the Prince of Darkness wielded mental powers too great to withstand.  He circled Superboy, savoring the moment.  Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a small radio transmitter.  He bent down and whispered into Superboy’s ear.

“Pressing this button is the trigger to a series of events that will make me master of the world.  You will be my most powerful soldier.  My son will soon rule at my side.”

“I’ll never join you!”

“It is out of your hands.  Not even you can withstand my influence.”

“I beat you before.  I’ll do it again.”

“Not this time.  Say goodbye to her, Superboy.”  With that, he pressed the button.  A massive explosion rocked the hangar.  Flames and smoke came pouring out of every gap.  The windows were blown out along with chunks of wall.

“Lana!  NOOOOO!”  Superboy’s scream shook the ground just as Dracula sank his fangs into Superboy’s neck.

“Welcome to the brotherhood,” Dracula said as blood dripped down his chin.  He waved his hand before Superboy, fixing his hypnotic gaze upon the Boy of Steel again.

“Sleep my friend.  We have a long journey back to Transylvania.”  Superboy did as Dracula commanded, falling forward to the ground.  He pulled out a walkie-talkie and summoned a chopper that had been circling nearby.  As it landed, his minions came to and loaded Superboy into the vehicle as Dracula got on board.  The helicopter lifted off and disappeared into the night sky as the hangar continued to burn.



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