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Rocketed from a distant planet to a bold new destiny on Earth. Found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent. He learned he possessed the strength of steel, the speed of light, and

the desire to help all mankind. He is...Superboy!


The Adventures of Superboy

Dark Prince, Part 2

By: Adam Hoerner


Byron Shelley sped through the streets of Capitol City, praying he wouldn't be too late. He knew Superboy would already be there. The question was, had he walked into a trap? As Bryon got closer to his destination, he saw a billowing cloud of smoke over a tree line. This did not bode well. He drove faster, tires screeching as he traveled a seemingly endless series of side streets. Finally, he arrived at the hangar. But he wished he had the wrong place. The building was destroyed. Anyone who had been inside certainly couldn’t have survived. As he got out of the car, he heard the sound of a helicopter overhead. His father was certainly one of the passengers, and Superboy probably was, too. A familiar black van was parked nearby. He stood watching the fire, unsure of what to do next. Suddenly, he saw something coming toward him out of the smoke. A man dressed in black leather emerged from a hole in the building’s wall, carrying Lana in his arms.

“Hello, Byron. It’s been a while.”

“Brimstone! What are you doing here?”

“I heard about your battle with the Dark Riders and decided to take a ride down here. It’s a good thing I did, because this poor girl would have been charcoal. I’m just sorry I couldn’t help Superboy. I arrived just after he did. I parked my bike behind the hangar and heard your father say Lana was inside. I was able to shield her from the blast with a force field…a simple but effective spell.”

“We can still save Superboy. I’m just glad Lana is okay. She might be the only person who can break my father’s hold over him.”

“I don’t follow you.”

“Dracula’s decision to kill Lana was a very strategic one. She is very important to Superboy. With her dead, he easily succumbed to my father’s will. But if he sees her alive, Superboy might be able to resist the hypnosis and, with his powers, help us defeat the Prince of Darkness once and for all. Do you have some smelling salts?”

“Of course,” Brimstone replied, laying Lana on the ground. He pulled out a small vial and held it under her nose. She breathed the vapors in and woke up.

“What happened?” she asked.

“You were almost killed,” Brimstone answered. “Fortunately for you, I happened by.”

“Thanks. Where’s Superboy?”

“My father has him. He will no doubt be taken back to Transylvania. And that is where we must go.”


“That is correct. We need your help, Lana. Without you, Superboy will be under Dracula’s control for all eternity. He believes you are dead. When he learns otherwise, he will be able to fight back. But I won’t lie to you. This will be a very dangerous mission. We’ll be walking straight into the lion’s den.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Lana said. “Superboy has put his life on the line for me…for everyone…more times than I can count. It’s time to return the favor.”

“And we shall,” Brimstone said. “When do we depart?”

“Tomorrow evening,” Byron replied. “We’ll need to contact some of the other vampire hunters to join us.”

“Then let’s not waste time,” Brimstone said. “The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.”

“Truer words were never spoken,” Byron agreed. “If Superboy becomes a vampire, nobody will be able to stop my father from taking over the world.”

As darkness overtook Transylvania, Dracula woke from his slumber, along with the rest of his brood. There were a few mortal servants who kept the castle running during the day…power-hungry humans dedicated to serving their master in the hopes of someday becoming immortal. Those who proved themselves were brought into the fold. They had earned their keep today making sure Superboy stayed in the trance Dracula had placed him under. The ritual that would fully transform him into a vampire had to be conducted with the utmost care. A being of his power couldn’t simply be bitten. He had to be broken. Dracula had accomplished that by killing Lana. But his soul was strong. For black magic to overtake him, he couldn’t be allowed to awaken until Dracula told him to. His guards had watched over Superboy’s coffin all day, preparing for tonight’s baptism. Dracula allowed himself a smile as his minions placed the Boy of Steel onto the altar in the massive throne room. As his followers entered from all sides of the castle, he savored his moment of triumph. Tonight would see the dawn of a new age. And nobody could stop it.

A brave band of vampire hunters emerged from the wilderness and were greeted by the awesome sight of Castle Dracula nestled deep within the surrounding hills. Mountains could be seen in the distance. A mighty river roared through the valley. It was an impressive sight. Byron turned to face his allies…ten hunters gathered from around the globe…he and Brimstone had assembled quite a group.

“My friends,” Byron began. “Tonight we face perhaps the greatest battle in our history. Make no mistake. We are putting ourselves in mortal danger. We will be outnumbered, and some of us may not make it out alive. But Superboy must be rescued at all costs. If he is turned, nothing will stop my father from ruling this planet. Now remember, Lana must be protected. Without her, the mission will fail. Stick to the plan, and we may live to tell about this.” With that, they silently made their way toward the castle, heading for a secret entrance that only Dracula was supposed to know about. But Byron had learned of its existence, giving them the element of surprise. It was perhaps their only hope of pulling this off. They made it inside without incident, and headed up a long, winding staircase. The doorway at the top was embedded into the wall of a dark hallway on the castle’s main floor, and was fortunately unguarded. But the foyer beyond was guarded, and the battle began in earnest as Brimstone created a smokescreen that allowed them to surround the bloodsucking henchmen and take them out quickly and efficiently. Lana watched from the shadows, both disturbed and impressed by the brutal precision of the attack. As the smoke cleared, Byron led the way down the central corridor. They ventured deeper into the bowels of Dracula’s fortress, taking side hallways where they could, trying to avoid detection and a full-scale battle, only taking out guards when absolutely necessary. They had to make it to the throne room intact. It would take everything they had to free Superboy and defeat Dracula. At the heart of the castle sat their destination, a cavernous room cylindrical in shape, with both entrances and guards all around. Brimstone cast an invisibility spell that allowed them to ascend a side stairwell unnoticed. There were a number of balconies overlooking the throne room, and they headed for one directly over the altar. Dracula’s minions were all over the place, so they had to act quickly.

Dracula stood over Superboy, speaking a language dead to all outside the brotherhood, casting the spell that would prepare his prisoner for the second bite. His followers looked on silently, awestruck and somewhat afraid of the black magic being practiced. As he neared the end of the incantation, he anointed Superboy in blood, and moved closer. Just before he sank his teeth in, a brilliant flash of light drove him back. The Boy of Steel was suddenly surrounded by a force field. He didn’t have to look very far for its source. A rope came shooting down from a balcony, embedded into the floor by a spike on the end, and Dracula was not surprised to see his son leading the charge of vampire hunters who slid down to ground level. Even as bloody conflict broke out, Brimstone suddenly materialized on the altar, along with Lana.

“Brimstone…you’ve interfered with me for the last time. That girl was supposed to die in the hangar. But no matter…this time, I’ll kill her with my bare hands.”

“No you won’t,” a voice said from behind him. The Prince of Darkness whirled around and locked eyes with Byron. “You must hurry Brimstone. Break the spell. I will deal with my father.” Byron drew his sword and charged Dracula without another word. But his quarry was swift, deftly sidestepping and drawing his own blade.

“I’ve waited a long time for this, my rebellious son. When this fight is over, you will finally stand at my side.”

“On the contrary, father. When this fight is over, you will be dead.” Silver blades flashed at blinding speed as father and son began a duel that would quite literally tip the balance of power in this war…one way or another. Brimstone allowed himself a quick glance at the other hunters. Their fighting skills were remarkable. Despite being outnumbered, they were well armed. His attention now turned to Superboy. Byron had Dracula distracted, something that was crucial to successfully freeing the Boy of Steel. If Dracula were able to focus, the hold he already had over the hero would be virtually unbreakable. But unchallenged, Brimstone knew he could awaken Superboy so Lana could reach him. He released the force field and sprinkled blue powder all around Superboy. After a few magic words, Superboy’s eyes opened. He sprang to his feet and bared his fangs, but froze at the sight of Lana.

“Superboy, you have to fight this,” she said. “Brimstone saved me, and now we’re here to help you. Dracula isn’t your master. You have to break free.”

“Lana?” Superboy whispered. But as the fight between father and son raged on, things took a turn for the worse. Dracula locked swords with Byron and in a circular motion pinned his son’s blade to the floor. A powerful sidekick sent Byron sprawling, and the Prince of Darkness ordered five of his soldiers over to restrain him.

“Superboy! You are mine! Kill the girl!”

“No! Don’t listen to him. I love you.”

Brimstone was forced to stand and watch. He had done all he could. It was up to Superboy now. There could be no greater test of will. Dracula’s magic was strong. The Boy of Steel had almost succumbed to it once before. But his love for Lana seemed stronger. If losing her broke him, then getting her back should renew his spirit. As Lana and Dracula shouted back and forth, Superboy stood trembling. He put his hands on his head and dropped to his knees.

“AAAHHH!” His cry shook the walls of the castle. For a moment, everything was still. Then he slowly looked up at Dracula. Without warning, the Boy of Steel flew straight at the Prince of Darkness, sending the villain flying across the room. Superboy didn’t stop there, grabbing a pair of bloodsuckers away from Byron. He knocked their heads together, dropped them, and grabbed another. A powerful right hook put him down for the count. Byron handled the rest, elbowing the two vampires behind him. He quickly drew two knives and stabbed both of his captors in the heart. Their bodies crumbled to dust as Brimstone came over with Lana.

“Byron, the antidote,” Superboy said.

“Of course,” Byron answered. The Boy of Steel drank it down quickly.

“Are you all right?” Lana asked.

“Thanks to you,” Superboy replied. “He almost had me. If Brimstone hadn’t rescued you, Dracula would have turned me into a vampire. Without your love, I had lost all hope. But seeing you again was enough to break the spell.”

“How touching,” Dracula said. He strode toward them slowly, sword in hand.

“Go help the others,” Byron said. “My father and I must finish what we started.”

“Stay close to me, Lana,” Brimstone said. He drew a shotgun loaded with silver bullets and joined the fight against Dracula’s soldiers. Superboy flew into the fray as well, moving at blinding speed to combat the vampires. Father and son circled each other, looking for an opening. Dracula moved first, lunging forward. Byron easily blocked the strike, and their sword fight continued. Thrusting, slashing, clanging…move for move, father and son were evenly matched. The duel moved out of the throne room into the hallway. Byron drove Dracula backward, toward a winding staircase that went straight up the center of the castle. The Prince of Darkness ducked a blow aimed for his head and came up with an uppercut that sent Byron into the air. He came crashing down on the stairs. Dracula slowly walked up after him.

“We don’t have to do this, my son. We should be allies, not enemies.”

“You’re just going to have to kill me. I’ll never join you, and I won’t stop until you have been defeated.”

“Then so be it.” Dracula took a swipe that would have cut Byron in half, but he flipped over his attacker’s head and countered, driving the Count toward the roof. At the top of the steps, they locked swords. Dracula grabbed Byron by the throat and spun, throwing him straight through the door.

“You shouldn’t have challenged me,” Dracula said. “I would have given you the world.”

“It’s not yours to give. And you will never be allowed the chance to take it. Your reign of terror ends now.” Byron charged, and the duel continued with renewed vigor.

Meanwhile, in the throne room, the tide of battle was turning in favor of the vampire hunters, and some of Dracula’s henchmen began to retreat. Superboy’s speed and strength combined with Brimstone’s magic and weaponry enabled them to finally overcome the bloodsucking legion. As the ten slayers began mopping up, Lana ran over and hugged Superboy.

“Thank God that’s over,” she said.

“Yeah. I’m just glad everyone survived.”

“Our allies are well trained,” Brimstone said. “But having the two of us here probably helped.” He winked, and they all laughed.

“What happened to Byron?” Superboy asked.

“The sword fight moved into the hallway,” Lana answered. “They could be anywhere.”

“Wait, I hear something,” the Boy of Steel said, looking skyward. “They’re on the roof. Let’s go!” Superboy grabbed Lana and ran upstairs at super-speed, reaching the top just as Brimstone appeared there as well. They watched father and son duel back and forth, moving toward the far end of the tower.

“We should do something,” Superboy said.

“No, this is their fight,” Brimstone replied. As they looked on, the Prince of Darkness took a swing at Byron’s head. He ducked and saw his opening, driving his sword into Dracula’s heart. The Count dropped his sword, taking a step backward, a look of utter shock and pain on his face. Byron stared into his father’s eyes and, in a spinning motion, beheaded Count Dracula. His body instantly burst into flame, disintegrating in a cloud of black smoke. The others stood in silence as Byron walked over.

“Is it over?” Lana asked.

“No…my father’s army is a large one. The brotherhood will be in chaos after tonight. We have won a very important battle. But the war will continue.”

“Well, I’ll be there to help you fight it,” Brimstone said.

“So will I,” Superboy chimed in.

“You serve a much greater purpose,” Byron said. “The world needs you for more than fighting vampires.”

“Agreed…but if you ever truly need my help, I’ll be there.”

“Thank you. And rest assured that I will do the same for you.”

“I know. Well, we should really head for home.”

“Go ahead. Brimstone and I can finish here. You’ve earned a rest…both of you.”

“Shall we?” Superboy said, scooping Lana up in his arms.

“We shall.” Lana waved to their friends as they flew into the night sky.

“So now that it’s over, how do you feel?” Brimstone asked.

“I always knew it would come down to a duel between us. But I had no idea how it would turn out. I just feel numb right now. I know I’ve done what was needed, but part of me is sad that it had to end like this. He was my father.”

“But you owed him no allegiance. Your mother raised you with love. All he knew was hate. That’s our purpose in life…to fight hate.”

“Yes…the eternal conflict of good versus evil…fitting that this battle was won because of love,” Byron said, looking off in the direction Superboy had flown.

“Come on,” Brimstone said. “We have a lot of work to do.”


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