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Clerics Knowledge
K n o w l e d g e

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All spells get rolled on a 1d20 like a physical attack however you use the pluses given on the Intelligence chart to add to the attack or defense of magic.


*1st Cleric Knowledge* (1-2 Level Characters)

(1) Bless (+1 to hit) :KP Cost 10
(2) Cure (1st level 1d6 twice daily/every level thereafter add 1d6 and 1 time daily to a max. of 20d6 and 21 times daily){Cures can be done in Battle but not Spars or Mass spars} :KP Cost 3, costs +2 more per level
(3) Entangle (Holds opp. 1d3 rounds, they can defend, but not attack{ can only be used twice per battle}) :KP Cost 20
(4) Invisibility to Undead (Casting of this spell keeps the undead from seeing the caster) :KP Cost 15
(5) Light (Creates Light) :KP Cost 0

*2nd Cleric Knowledge* (3-4 Level Characters)

(1) Sanctuary (Can leave battle at any time to a safe haven) :KP Cost 5
(2) Bonus (+2 to dam. on any weapon) :KP Cost 15
(3) Aid (-2 to any dam.....{}and -1 every next level of Spells - EX. when you are able to use level 3 spells you are able to cast aid for -3 damage and so on{} ) :::KP Cost 15
(4) Enchantment Creature (Causes a single creatures, your level and lower for 1d4 rounds to be enchanted {}Creature keeps normal stats and attacks who you command it too attack{}) :::KP Cost 25
(5) Blessed Blade (A sword of white fire appears in the Cleric's hand, does 4d6 damage, if done to opposite alignment 4d6 +3 dam. more) {}Every next level of Spells it goes up 1d - for example when You are able to use 3rd level Cleric spells the sword becomes a 4d6 famage sword until you get to seventh where it becomes a 9d6{} :::KP Cost 30
(6) Silence (Keeps any one magic user or Cleric from casting spells 1d3 rounds) :::KP Cost 30

*3rd Cleric Knowledge* (5-6 Level Characters)

(1) Poison (Causes 2d4pts. of damage per round to opp. for rest of battle) :KP Cost 10
(2) Cure Poison (Cures Poison) :KP Cost 5
( (3) Summon Animals (1 animal does 1d7 damage/it has 10LPs) :KP Cost 15

*4rth Cleric Knowlegde* (7-9 Level Characters)

(1) Locate (Locate anyone, anywhere and teleport to their location) :KP Cost 10
(2) Charm Creatures (Cast on a creature during battle, the creature will attack for you for up to 1d6 rounds. You have to hit it with the spell on a d20 for it to take effect and it has to be of your level or lower in exp) :KP Cost 30
(3) Call Lightening (Does 8d10 dam., goes up 1d8 every level after 7th to a max of 16d10 at stop level of 15th level) :::KP Cost 35 + 10 every level a max of 115 KPs***This spell is Adjustable***
(4) Cure Advanced (Can only be done in battle/4d10 up to three times/at 17th level up to 5 times) :KP Cost 20

*5th Cleric Knowledge* (10-12 Level Characters)

:KP cost 100
(1) Flame Strike (Attacks opp for 5d20 dam.) :KP Cost 60
(2) Flame Dust (Attacks all opp. for 3d20 dam.) :KP Cost 35
(3) Summon Animals Advanced (Summons 2 animal/do 2d8 dam./it have 15LPs) :KP Cost 40

*6th Cleric Knowledge* (13-15 Level Characters)

(1) Resurection (Brings life back to the dead. With 25% of LPs, and KPs, Priest(ess) Only) (2) Earthquake (Causes all opp to loose 1d3 rounds of attacks only) :KP Cost 40
(3) Mass Lightening (Does 5d20 dam. to all opp.) :KP Cost 90
(4) Summon Animal Expert (Calls 2 animals/do 2d10 dam./each have 30LPs) :KP Cost 60
(5) Dispel Magic (Noone, including caster, can cast spell for rest of battle) :KP Cost 50

*7th Cleric Knowledge* (16th and up Level Characters)

(1) Life (gives life back to the dead, and gives back full Kps and Lps, can only be done by a Preist(ess)) or Resurector :::Kp cost 45
(2) Prayer (Calls God(ess) on a 1d20, 15-20 succeeds, God(ess) then heals you for full LPs){}In battles not spars{} :KP Cost 1/2 of KP
(3) Spell Immunity (Roll 1d6 {1-3=do not succeed, 4-5=2d3 rounds, 6=rest of battle}) :KP Cost 40
(4) Slam (Knocks opp. to ground for 7d20 dam.) :KP Cost 90
(5) Mass Confusion (Causes all creatures or opp. to be confused for 1d3 rounds, they cannot attack nor defend/due to severity of spell,) :KP Cost 75
(6) Doom (Cuts opp. LPs in half. Ex. You had 200 LPs, now have 100 LPS) :::KP Cost 100 kps