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RULE#1:ALL rules must be followed by ALL CLAN MEMBERS!!!

RULE#2: NO backstabbing clan members PERIOD!!! (a loop hole is if they have been booted from this clan you have permission to backstabb)

RULE#3: If someone wants to go up in rank they must be on more.

RULE#4: All members are allowed to use Hacks if they choose however leaders don't encourage this cause other people on hate Hackers/Cheaters.

RULE#5: Any violation of these rules will result in either demotion in rank or expulsion from clan.

RULE#6: All members are required to be on Battle.Net at least 2 times a week, those members should be on the channel when not in the game and should try to communicate with the leaders. If unable to do so your name will drop to the bottom of the list and anyone down there for more than a month will be dropped from the clan.

RULE#7: All recruitments must go through leaders; if other members wish to recruit someone they must inform the leaders of the new member.

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