First thing you do is make 7 scvs. Next u use one of them to make a supply depot.
Then as that is being constructed make 3 more scvs.
When the depot is done make a barracks. While the barracks is being constructed, make as many scvs as u can plus one more depot. When the barracks is done make four marines. While u are waiting for them make 2 bunkers at the area(s) where ur enemies can attack u.
Move two marines into each bunker then make four more marines. Make an Academy and another Depot.
Make a Refinery and 3 scvs. When the Refinery is done put the three scvs on it then make another scv.
When that scv is done make a factory. When factory is complete, make a machine shop and put the scv (that made the factory) on gas. Save 300 minerals and 200 gas then build two tanks. While u are waiting make a enginerring bay. Research longer attack range at Academy and armor at enginerring bay. Research Seige mode at machine shop and put tanks at defense areas.
Build depots infront of ur bunkers make sure THAT U STILL have a way to leave ur base DON'T lock yourself in. Make missle turrets around ur base to keep out any flying guys the enemy might have.
-Build scvs until you are 7/10 supply
-Take your 7th scv to build a barrack (build in middle of choke point at all
costs, if you do not have one build near your command center)
-Build scv and use 8th scv to build supply depot (build beside the barrack at
choke point, otherwise build near CC)
-when buildings are done, put both scvs back to work again and pump out marines
one at a time.
-Build another 3 more scvs
-When all three are done, take one to build another supply depot.(again at choke
or near command center)
-Build another scv and use it to build another barrack, this time wherever you
-Build another scv and build bunker, do this twice.
-Once the buildings are done put all scvs back to work again, keep in mind to
keep building marines.
At this point you should have enough to survive almost any rush. Remember if you do not have a choke point, build all of your buildings close to the command center. A tight base should give your enemies a hard time to destroy you. Keep moving up the tech tree, and building scvs!
1: set all SCV's on the mineral patch, produce another with the 50 minerals at start
2: set that SCV on the patch, when you have 150 minerals mined, build barracks with one mining SCV
3: build another SCV as soon as possible, when he's done, you should almost have 100 minerals for a refinery.
4: build refinary and another SCV.
5: your barracks should be done, when your refinery is, set 2 SCV's on it. Build factory with the SCV that built barracks.
6: If you want, you can put another SCV on the refinery, either way works.
7: build starport when you have enough. 8: build science facility and covert ops. 9: get silo and depot 10: build academy while silo is arming.
11: start pumpin' out ghosts and have fun!!
12: when you have enough, you may want to build extra silos, I usually have 4 or 5 by 20 minutes.
If you do this right, you will be short on minerals and will wait a lot. It seems slow, but keep with it and it will build up in no time. I have won 16 straight games with this tactic. Also, if your being attacked and you know you won't make it (and have a partner), commit suicide by nuke to help them. It's better then just dying and not contributing.
If you have a partner, ask them to send you defense so you can concentrate on just nukes. If you have to worry about defense, put bunkers with a 3 marine, 1 firebat ratio in your chokepoint. Back it up with siege tanks. While it won't repel big attacks, it can buy you time to lift and find another spot. This works well if your partner is late with defense for you, 'cause then you can land in his base and destroy alot of his Defense!!!
-Put all SCVS to work
First, u need to to get your four SCV's mining and with the 50 minerals u have get another SCV keep on doin this till u have 10 miners, then u need to build a Supplies Depot, make two for good measure, then get more more SCV until u have 15 miners, then build another Supplies depot, and get 4 Barracks Then buuld a refinery make more SCV's to get gas, then make an Academy then keep on mining up then in 1 Barracks Get Marines, then next 1 get Medics, next get Firebats, and the last 1 make a mixture of all of the them u need alot of medics if u r fighting protoss or terran.
Make 7 SCV's
whit the 7th one build a supply depot
then while the supply depot is builded make 2 SCV
when the first SCV is done the supply depot will be done too
build one barracks whit the same SCV that was building the supply depot
while the barracks is getting builded make 2 scv and build one refinery and put the other scv to harvest gas
when the barracks is finished make one marine and one SCV to harvest gas. wait until you have 200 minerals and 100 Gas (not much time)
whit the scv that was building the barracks build a Factory
In like 20 seconds you will be able to build another, get one SCV that is getting minerals and build it (the factory)
when the 2nd factory haves 50% done, build the Add on to the factory and research Siege mode
While researching siege mode you will be able to build a tank and build the add on to the other factory.
in that time try to make some marines like 6 so the tanks have some support.
Build 2 tanks more and then build the academy
while building the academy you will have like 5-7 tanks
send them whit the marines to look for the bas of the opponent (if its a 1 vs 1 map it will be more easy.
When the academy is finished build the add on for the comand center (comsat Station)
you will be able to scan one time (whitout waitnig) when you found him scan his defenses (if he have some) and pleace you tanks in siege mode, that makes the opponent get Mad
when you destroy his defenses get back to tank mode the tanks and send them whit the marines. The enemy will be inoffensive against you (if you do it correctly)
Start out by making 7 drones. Then make a spawning pool. Make two more drones and make 2 creep colonies. Turn them into sunken colonies when spawning pool is done. Make an overlord. Wait for 3 larva to appear. Wait till u have 150 minerals and make 3 zergling eggs, 6 zerglings total. Send them to scout for enemy. Build extractor and three drones. Make evolution chamber and hydralisk den. Upgrade to lair while that is upgrading Make 6 hydras. Research Burrow when lair is done and then Burrow the Hydras around ur base. Make Spire and Queen's Nest. Save minerals and build 1 hatchery. While hatchery is mutating upgrade lair to hive. Then save minerals and gas and make 12 mutas. When Hive is done upgrade Spire to greater Spire. Then make six drones and then mutate them into six spore colonies around your base. Research lurker aspect at Hydralisk den. When greater spire is done, research carapace, and turn six of the 12 mutas into guardians and the other 6 devoerers. Make 10 hydras and when they are done turn them into lurkers. Attack your enemy BUT be warned you don't want to underestimate your enemy. They could have another base or a hidden army. While you attack build reinforcements and make SURE there that are no holes in your defense of your base. Never send everything that u have unless u are absolutly sure that you can kick your enemies ass!
Start out by making 9 drones, then make a pylon. Make 6 more probes. Make an assimluator and put 4 drones on it. Build a forge and another pylon. Save minerals and build 8-10 photon cannons. Then save 300 minerals and build 2 gateways. Make a shield battery near the photon cannons. Make a cybernectics core. Save 1000 minerals and build 10 zealots.Then save gas and minerals and build 10 dragoons. Make a cidel of Atun and then a templar archive. Make Dark Templars (8-10). Attack your enemy with the dark templars, destroy anything they can use to detect with dragoons before you send the darkies in.
Protoss Strategy The Templar Drop can be used as a tactic for slowing the opponent, then starving him out of resources. It is best for land maps, because the opponent will not be expecting drops as he would in an air map. The key is keeping a strong defense, and using guerrilla tactics to outsmart your opponent. Begin by training probes and putting them on minerals. Make your first pylon, followed by a gateway. Get a few zealots as needed, and scout. As soon as you feel secure to continue, make an assimilator, and get the maximum probes mining gas. Get a forge as needed for defense, build cannons if necessary. When you have 200 minerals, build a cybernetics core. You should now have the resources to make a citadel of adun followed by a robotics bay. When the citadel of adun finishes, build a templar archives and another gateway. Using your robotics bay, make a shuttle. As soon as the templar archives is complete, make two templars and then research psi storm. Now you should have two templars and a shuttle ready to go, and also know where you're headed. Load up the templars and maneuver around his base so as not to be seen. The idea is to drop near his worker line without trouble from his defense. When you find a good spot, drop the templars, and as soon as you can, psi storm his workers once, then again with the other templar so as to maximize damage. Then without waiting to see what he does, or what to do, load your templars back in the shuttle and fly back to your base. Then (if u have BW) make dark templars (5or6) and go back to their base and destroy their command building. (Nexus, Hatchery, cc).
Then take out a few of their other buildings and pull out again.
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