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Herbal Wisdom/References

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1. Henbane

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

This plant is highly toxic and is considered a narcotic. Even its fumes are dangerous. This herb was first used to ward off rabid animals, and is used for breaking hexes.

2. Angelica

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

This herb is considered to be the "master herb" since it is really powerful and works with just about anything. Its function is to ward off any evil that may be lurking near by. This herb is used for Healing, Protection, and Breaking Hexes.

3. Assyfetida

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Beware: This herb is really stinky!...Its prime use is for warding off colds and other illnesses, but it is also used in several other purposes such as exorcisms, purification, and of course, protection.

4. Holly (Bat's Wings)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

This is considered the "sweet herb", since it is used for many purposes, such as luck, warding, sweet dreams, and protection.

5. Hemlock (Beaver poison)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Hemlock is a poison. Its magickal properties include the ability to make a man impotent...This herb also is used for breaking hexes.

6. Belladonna (Deadly nightshade)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

This is a poison also. At one point, belladonna was used to treat rabid dog bites. Because of so many accidental deaths, it is no longer offered on the herbal markets. This herb is used for protection.

7. Boneset (Indian sage)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

This is a very helpful herb indeed. It was said to help people with wishes and to assist people in finding gainful employment. Now, in medicine, it is used to heal and mend broken bones. This is a very powerful protection herb.

8. Buckeye (Horse chestnut)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Buckeye is poisonous. It is carried to attract money and success and is used to ward off backaches, arthritis, chills, and rheumatism. This herb is used in healing.

9. Chamomile

Planet: Sun

Element: Water

This is also a very elusive and charming herb. This herb is said to help things grow and promotes sleep and relaxation. This herb is used in a lot of ceremonies and rituals and is used in a lot medical studies; even to treat recovering drug addicts. This herb is used for healing (can be sipped as a tea) and for wealth and success.

10. Celandine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Celandine is used magickally to get you out of fixes when you think there is no escape, either mental or physical. This herb was used as a marvelous talisman for victory of all matters. It is not to be consumed or digested into the body, for it is also a poison (if swallowed). This herb is used for wealth and success.

11. Cinnamon

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

This herb helps to raise spiritual vibrations when it is used as an oil or infusion. This herb brings happiness and prosperity into the home, along with protection. Used as an oil, it also helps to dress candles and helps in other magickal endeavors. Please be aware that this herb may cause skin irritation. Cinnamon is used for protection and wealth and success.

12. Coltsfoot (Coughwort)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

This herb is one of those that is used for medical purposes rather than magickal ones. This herb is used to attract love.

13. Coxcomb (Amaranth)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Fire

This herb is used for the mending of wounds and even a broken heart. This herb is used for healing and protection.

14. Fennel

Planet: Mercury

Element: Fire

Fennel is definately and herb of protection and is used to ward of people (protection wise) as well as material objects. Today, it is primarily used to help with indigestion and treatments. DO NOT PUT THIS INTO YOUR MOUTH... This herb, if ingested, may cause vomiting or fatal seizures, or may cause skin irritation.

15. Fenugreek

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

This herb is used to bring money and prosperity into the home. Traditionally, this herb was used to control cholesterol, treat a sore throat, ease arthritis, and to stimulate the uterus. Today, the herb is used for wealth and success.

16. Frauenshlussel (Cowslip)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Cowslip is a wonderful herb. This herb is very beautiful and is used in the treatment of many rashes and to create an enchanting aura. This herb is used in the reversal of love spells.

17. Five finger grass (Cinquefoil)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

This plant is considered a "catch all". It serves a variety of purposes since each finger is said to represent something else. It is used to process leather and as a red clothing dye. It can be used in love, healing, and to bring on wealth and success.

18. Gag Root (Lobeila)

Planet: Saturn

Element(s): Water and Fire

This is a poisonous plant. Gag root is popular for stopping gossip and is popular for medical purposes. It is also used for protection.

19. Garlic

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Many conjuring bags for healing contained garlic. Magickally, it absorbs pain and disease, and breaks a fever as well. This herb is used for healing and protection.

20. Hexenmannachen (Mandrake)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Fire

In German, hexenmannachen means "Witches manniken". It also means "sorcerer's root". Mandrake is a protective herb and must be in your house for three days before you work with it. This herb is used medically to help with circualtory problems and urinary incontinence. This herb is used magickallly for protection and wealth and success.

21. Horehound

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Horehound has always been used as a protection against sorcery and unethical magick. Originally, it was used to help with the treatment of colds and sickness, but the FDA banned it from drug stores since it was proved to be ineffective. This herb is used for healing, protection, and breaking hexes.

22. Hound's tongue

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Hound's tongue, also called the gypsy flower, was thought to silence dogs. Used with the appropriate charm, it can. This herb is used medically to treat lung disorders as well as diarrhea. This herb is used magickally for protection.

23. Ivy

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Planting ivy around your home provides protection for those on the property. It works marvelously for unwanted human interference's, but not for animals. For medical purposes, ivy is used for congestive heart failure and bronchitis. Magickally, it is used for protection and love.

24. Laurel (Bay)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Bay is often added to conjuring bags and infusions to promote wisdom and protection. It is another all purpose herb that renders strength, brings love and protection into the home, scatters negativity, and guards against sickness.

25. Marigold

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Marigolds are strung together on a red thread and hung as garlands over doorways to keep evil from entering the household. This herb, or flower, is used to bring on protection.

26. Meadow cabbage (Skunk cabbage)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

This plant was basically used in legal matters and often mixed with bay to bring on prosperity. This herb's pollen drives bees crazy. Medically, this herb is used in the treatment of asthma and tuberculosis. This herb is used magickally to bring on wealth and success.

27. Mistletoe

Planet: Sun

Element: Air

This is a poisonous plant. This herb was used in Europe to treat high blood pressure, cancer, and tumors. This herb is used for healing, love, and for protection.

28. Nettle

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Nettle is widely used for breaking hexes and sending them back from whence they came. This herb is also used to ward off evil. This herb can also be used for healing and protection.

29. Pennyroyal

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

There are two types of pennyroyal: The American plant and the European plant. There is really no difference between the two, besides the way they look and feel. This herb may be used as a bug repellent, but is generally used magickally in love spells.

30. Plantain

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Crushed plantain is the best remedy for a bee sting. There are over 200 species of plantain in the Untied States alone. The leaves are a dark green in color and usually very wide. This herb is used for healing.

31. Rose

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Roses, especially the red ones (mixed with honey), are most known for their love bringing properties. As much as roses are suited for this purpose, they may also be used for stronger pursuits. These flowers contain Vitamin C and are used medically in Germany for almost everything.

32. Rosemary

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Rosemary is another all-purpose herb and is often burned to cleanse the home or your sacred space. Rosemary is placed inside or around caskets to bring the remembrance of shared joy, happiness, and given as a bouquet on New Year's Day. This herb is used magickally for love and protection.

33. Rue (Meadow rue)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Rue is another great herb used to aid recuperation from all ailments. It is another herb that was used to bring on clear thinking and logical thoughts. This herb is used medically as a disinfectant or a flea repellent. Magickally, this herb is used for healing, protection, and breaking hexes.

34. Sage

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Sage is burned to cleanse everything from the room that you are in to your body and your mind. Medically, this herb is used to treat headaches(crushed as a tea), colds, measles, insomnia, epilepsy, seasickness, and intestinal worms. It is also said that this herb may be conjured into a blackbird! This herb is used to bring on wealth and success, protection, and is used for healing.

35. Saint John's grass (Mugwort)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth/Air

Mugwort is also known as St. Peter's root. This herb is used to aid prophetic dreams, healing tools, but is not to be taken internally. The parts of this plant that are used are the rootstock and the herb itself. Magickally, you can use this herb for protection.

36. St. Joseph's wort (Basil or Witches' herb)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Here is another herb that was used as often in the kitchen as it was in magick. In magickal applications, it is a protective herb and can be used for the sympathy and reconciliation between two people or parties. Medically, this herb has been widely used to treat intestinal parasites and several skin infections.

37. Solomon's seal

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

This herb is basically used to break hexes and to banish ghosts and spirits. Solomon's seal is native to moist, shady woodlands. In medicine, it was used to fade freckles or other skin discoloration's. It was also used to mend broken bones! This herb may be used also for protection.

38. Sunflower

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Sunflowers have have several magickal uses, but are mostly used in catching thieves and discerning truth of all matters. The seeds are extremely nutritious and were eaten at parties during the spring to bring on happiness between friends. Otherwise, you can use this herb for protection.

39. Valerian

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Both magickally and medically, valerian is known to be a sleep inducer. The Germans used this herb as a tranquilizer to bring about restful sleep. This herb may also be used for some healing spells.

40. Vervain

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

This is definately another all-purpose herb. Its powers include inducing love, protection, purity, chastity, and healing. Vervain is known to sometimes suppress heart rates, so as with all herbs, check with your physician before using it=)!

41. Yarrow

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

This herb is said to instill calmness and courage. It is used to banish negativity, break hexes, and bring lovers and relatives back to you.

I hope this page was of great use to you and that you will continue to use it as a reference. Thanks, Blessed Be and Merry Part! ~Conscious and Dustin J