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What is Wicca?

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Wiccan Rede

Witches Creed

Wicca is an unending path of light, magic, love, and constant learning. We revere nature and see the true divine beauty of the universe. It's about recognizing that we all have the ability to take our fate into our own hands, and we have the right to choose how we use that power. There is no bible and no prophet. Our only rule is a simple and logical one: "Do what ye will and yet harm none"

Wicca is an earth religion based on ancient (even prehistoric) paganism. Wicca itself is relatively new, a reconstruction loosely based on old religion and early witchcraft. Its roots are hard to trace because of persecution, which caused people and records to be hidden or destroyed.

Most Wiccans worship the Goddess and the God. They have thousands of names given to their many aspects by various cultures. Each name given to the Goddess and God in old mythology represents a different facet of the Goddess and the God's personality. Today, we invoke them by the name that is most appropriate for the purpose.

Wicca is based on the concept of natural and essential equilibrium. All things have spiritual "life"- people, animals, plants, and even stones. Everything is part of a delicate balance of light and dark, day and night, good and evil, male and female. Even the Goddess and the God are both creators and destroyers. They give life, nurture it, and eventually take it away. This cycle is seen in the seasons and in the cycle of the moon, and is often symbolized by the Triple Goddess- Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The mother creates, the maiden develops, and the crone eventually fades away. We see this each month when the moon is a sliver, then grows to be full, and then becomes a sliver again and fades away, before beginning again. Because of this, the emblem of the triple goddess is a full moon with a crescent on each side.

We do not believe that Wicca is the only valid religion, nor do we try to convert people to Wicca. It is an open-minded path and there are many traditions, which offer different rules and ways to follow the religion. But many of us are "eclectic", and choose what elements of paganism we wish to incorporate in our practices as a Wiccan. One might choose to include things they learned from studying Buddhism, Asatru, Santeria, Baha'i, etc. into their tradition, if they are eclectic. (There are, however, some limitations that come about with non-pagan religions.

We are not Satanists. In fact, we do not believe in Satan or a supreme evil, nor do we believe in hell. Let's just clear up a few misconceptions about witchcraft while we are on the topic. We do not sacrifice animals or people. We are not trying to become gods. Love spells, revenge spells, and hexes are not a practice supported by the Wiccan rede. We do not run around in black pointy hats and cloaks, turn people into toads, or fly on brooms. Never believe what you see in Hollywood; it's probably wrong or exaggerated for interest. Magic is more complicated and has a more subtle nature. Merely pointing a finger will not give someone a fatal disease or knock down a tree. Some of us do have special abilities- telekinesis, psychic power, shapeshifting. But these takes years and years of concentrated study and practice and are incredibly rare to see. Wicca is not about easy answers!

Don't be in any big hurry to convert to Wicca. There is no instant way to "become" Wiccan, it's the result of learning and growing into it. There is no initiation ritual that can give you all the knowledge in the world in a few minutes. Study, practice, advance. You'll get there!

The most valuable advice I can give to the beginner is read, read, read. Learn from the wisdom of others. Learn to listen to yourself, as well... you already know a lot about Wicca, you just don't realize it. Once you begin down the path, you will recognize many of the landmarks along the way. You are more familiar with the God and Goddess than you might think.

*~I hope that this information really helped clear up some questions you may have had about Wiccans and Witches.

Blessed Be, Conscious and Dustin J.