by ALM_Voyager
© November 23, 2000

Disclaimer: Voyager belongs to Paramount Pictures. No infringement intended.

It was as though I had two parents trying to explain sex to me for the first time. I kept wondering how they were going to screw this one up. I pretty much knew all there was to know.

"B'Elanna," the Captain gave a small smile, her voice full of concern. "First, I'd like to apologize --"

Here it came. "No, don't bother Captain," I stated full of conviction. "I shouldn't have used an override code without --" without what??? "--checking first."

"Well," Kathryn sighed, and sat on the corner of the desk-top. Chakotay sat by my side. It was all I could do not to consider feeling 'surrounded.' "It's not as though you would've thought of this situation . . ." her words dwindled off into a quietness.

Actually, I had. Though it had *never* involved me. I wasn't really into threesomes. And I wasn't alone in having made them a couple in my mind. "I wouldn't say that," I chuckled, not realizing the words had slipped out, following my own thoughts too closely in line.

I glanced at the Captain. Her brow crinkled as her eyebrows lifted. I glanced at Chakotay. His skin had gone deathly pale. Oh what a foul state I was in . . . foul, foul, foul.

Whatever hesitation had held her back, it was gone. I felt Captain Kathryn Janeway's presence again; out of the corner of my eye her back went rigid, her shoulders squared, and she leaned in close to me.

With one word, it was done. "Who?"

More a statement, than a word.

I chanced another glance at Chakotay, my eyes pleading for our past to save me. Was that a grin he was wrestling with?

Now I'm not a rat, don't get me wrong. But when you're alone, in the ready room, with the command duo you caught gettin' fa-ris-keeee, there's no way you're going to survive on your own without losing a bit of your tail.

"Well, let's see . ."I was unwilling at first, but I just surrendered, "Harry Kim, Tom Paris, Lieutenant Carey, Neelix, the Doctor, Lieutenant Celia, Ensign McHale, Lieutenant Ris, Ensign Dawson, Lieu--" I halted at the Captain's upheld hand. Guess she had heard enough.

Chakotay had been shifting positions in the chair. I could hear every sound in the silence that followed from my list. Should I say something? No.

"Lieutenant . . ."

"Yes, Mam?" It was crunch time.

"I'd appreciate it if this personal matter, between the three of us . . ."


". . . remained just that: Personal."

"Yes, Captain," I stated and stood. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief. At least I had.

"Dismissed," she stated.

Moving quickly toward the door, I didn't slow down. But I chanced a glance, in passing, at an antique, silver-lined plate that the Captain had kept displayed on a high shelf. And I saw, in its reflection, Chakotay move to put his arm around the Captain. It was an action full of reassurance -- that things had been set right. Her head dipped its weight to rest against his chest. And then the picture was gone, as I left.

Exiting onto the bridge, I felt special, I felt damn good and I felt as though I had a valuable secret. Thank god Tom was at lunch. Only Tuvok and Harry were manning command central. Though, I could feel the two men watching me as I left and entered the lift. Their own curiosity driving their minds as rapidly as mine had shut down for the day. And I couldn't help it: inside the turbolift I just broke down into laughter . . . layers upon layers of humorous emotions rippling the muscles of my stomach into waves of abandon. Could this have really happened? Yes, it had. I had caught the Captain and the Commander, buck-naked, banging on the bedroom floor. Picture that.

JC Short Stories