[Part 3]!

by ALM_Voyager

'A cold day in coffee-land' turned out to be exactly six hours, fourteen minutes and twenty-three seconds later. Chakotay had made himself right at home, his feet up on the desk, in Kathryn's readyroom, when her voice came through his combadge.

"It's me," she stated bluntly. She must have known he was alone.

"What can I do for you," he asked.

"How soon can you be here," she sounded as though she were out of breath.

"Going cold-turkey that bad?" he asked, sitting up with increasing interest. He didn't think it would bother her that much -- he figured she would have gone to the Doctor immediately to prove she was fine -- but, he reflected, she hadn't -- and that worried him.

"I need you," she stated. "I need you to take me to the EMH."

Chakotay was already out the readyroom doors, "I'm on my way, Kathryn."

"You were wise to bring the stubborn one in," the EMH said as he let the biobed scanners do the work for him. "She is most certainly, without a doubt, a caffeine addict."

"How can that be?" Chakotay asked. "It was all in good nature."

"On the contrary, early 20th century earthlings handled the stuff much better than any 24th century person ever could. Of course, everyone in the 20th century already had numerous chemicals, from mass-produced foods, floating through their bodies. I'm surprised they didn't mutate," he added under his breath. "So, our fair Captain is truly in addict in the sincerest sense."

"You look shocked, Chakotay?" Kathryn raised her head up from the biobed with a look of confusion. "I thought you already were concerned and that's why you made such a big deal out of this?!"

The EMH paused and waited with his patient for an answer.

Chakotay sighed, "Kathryn, we set you up." He rushed on, "we didn't know . . . I never would have figured it would actually come to you being --"

"--being addicted to Coffee?" The EMH rolled his eyes, "How else do you think she managed to run such a tight ship and beat the Kazon in a single day?"

"Doctor," Kathryn turned her attention to him and reached out to place a flesh and blood hand on a holographic arm, "is there anything you can give me? Any type of supplement?"

"Spoken like a true caffeine junkie. And, no, there isn't. You're on your own with this one. Besides, it's not fatal. Perhaps next time you'll think twice before 'brewing up' such trouble," he punned.

"Actually, Doctor, she's not on her own. I'll help her," Chakotay offered. He stepped closer and looked down at his Captain who was already starting to fidget with beads of perspiration dotting her forehead.

"Oh, lucky you. I must let you know," the EMH explained, "that she will become extremely irritable and then hyper-active for the next hour. Then, after that," he took a deep, dramatic breath inward, "it's all downhill from there!"

Kathryn gulped. Chakotay shifted his weight from one leg to another.

"First," the Doctor didn't let up, "she will become emotional -- crying, sobbing, whining -- no doubt she will try to coerce you into getting her a cup o'joe, some Java, a mocha, double tall latte', chai tea, Foldger's Blend or --"

Kathryn groaned with longing. Chakotay winced.

"--or," the EMH picked up from where he left off, "any other caffeine source she can. And, trust me, she will go to any length, as all addicts do, to get you to get it for her. Besides," he singsonged and put a grim smile on his face, "we all know our Captain. Relentless to the end -- daring to the extreme --" he leaned down to face Kathryn and wiggled his eyebrows, "--Wonder Woman to the last min--"

Kathryn reached up and grabbed the EMH by his neck, cutting off the words.

Chakotay gently pried off Kathryn's hands from the hologram['s neck. No doubt she was already going through a lot. Not thinking, he kissed her hand gently before placing it back by her side. She looked away.

The Doctor rubbed his neck, "And so it begins."


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