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The man behind the character
Richard (Sablelance)
age: 26
sex: alot (j/k) male
likes: Role Playing , Computers , CB's, Cooking (especially for 2)
status: Single

I've got brown eyes and natural red hair that is dyed a shade of blonde
My favorite color is any shade of Green.
I've played a variety of sports for example 13 years of hockey, 7 years of soccer, 4 years of baseball.
My dreams are to win the lottery and have two fridges in my house (one with just beer and the other with food)
I'm the second oldest of seven kids (6 boys and 1 girl)
I'm always open to new ideas and if it needs a solution and I can do it I'll find the answer
I love to meet new people and if possible I would like to meet them
I'm hoping to save enough money to go on a bit of a trip to meet some of the people that I've met in the Chat Rooms (either Yahoo or WBS)
I should be able to go on a trip in a few years from now

Here's a picture of someone that I really loved and I guess i still do....But that relationship is in the past and I intend to leave it there......


Now this is the one that I know that I'm destined to be with for the rest of my life.....But once again this is another thing that's part of my past



Sure we've been through our tough times together but we've pulled through them and now we feel that we're closer to each other now more than ever.

Buddy list
 Zeo Darkstone
  VW Buggy 8
 Mustang Gal20

Created by Nako


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