The Oak

The oak, representing the sun, and the element fire, is king of the forest and the doorway to the mysteries and to other realms; it symbolizes fertility, longevity, protection, healing strength, potency, luck, money, solidarity, balance, endurance, continuity of tradition, and great wisdom; it represents primeval strength and the ability to overcome and survive.

. . . . The oak is sacred to the spirits of lightning because it can be struck by spiritual blasts of enlightenment and still keep a firm footing in the earth; because it is often struck by lightning, it represents the ability to attract inspiration, illumination, and energy.

Borrowed from Wayne Clement and used with his permission. Visit his web site at


I screamed into this world June of 1977, the Year of Star Wars. (Coincidence? I think not!) The Greeks say my Sun Sign is Cancer. The Celts say my Moon Sign is Oak. I currently reside in hurricane-ridden, voter confused, South Florida which is a bad idea for someone with a vampire tan. (See photo above by clicking on my name.) I'm the oldest of 6, all of the same parents, and no, I'm not Catholic. I'm a Druid with a healthy peppering of Christian background, and pseduo-pagan tendancies.

I tend to dress like the born again Beatnik child of Sex Pistols punk and Hippie parents. I read continuously, but don't write enough.

Poet / Author / Cartoonist trapped in a Graphic Designer's body

  • E-Mail:
  • Education: BA: Graphic Design, minors: Creative Writing & English, Flagler College, 1999
  • "Real" Job: Graphic Designer for GE Plastics
  • Favorite Music: It's a list too wide, and too varied to take the time to type out, but The Cure ranks high, as do The Clash, Depeche Mode, Enya, Garbage, Joydrop, & Nirvana.
  • Hobbies (other than writting): B & W comics, cartooning, photography, art, reading, teaching myself HTML code, cursing as I try to get the Gundam models I got for Christmas to look like the ones on the package, & world domination
  • Random Influences: Emily Dickinson, Bill Watterson (of Calvin & Hobbes fame), Tim Burton, Dadaism, Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2), William Blake, Vincent Van Gogh, Voltron (hey, it got me into anime), Walt Disney (the Classic stuff, not this new crap), James Joyce, Tim O'Brein (The Things They Carried), and whoever wrote & illustrated a wonderful poetry book I had when I was little titled No End to Nonsence.

Check out my fan fiction. (Yeah, I'm a dork. So what?)

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