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In short:
Ehlonna, goddess of the woodlands, is neutral good. Her most commonly encountered title is Ehlonna of the Forests. Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelihood there. She is pictured sometimes as an elf and sometimes as a human. She is especially close to elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, and brownies. She is also worshiped by rangers and some druids. The domains she is associated with are Animal, Good, Plant, and Sun. Her favored weapon is the longsword.

Ehlonna (eh-loan-nuh) sometimes appers as a raven-haireed human and sometimes as an elf with golden tresses. Her garb varies, ranging from the servicable clothing of a forester or ranger to the delicate gown of an elven princess, but is always pale green. Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelyhood there.

Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelyhood there. She likewise protects woodlands and forests from destruction or overuse. Ehlonna exhorts her followers to live in harmony with their woodland homes, taking only what they need. The bounty of the forest, Ehlonna teaches, is a gift to be cherished and appreciated, not a treasure to be coveted or looted.

Clergy and Temples
Ehlonna's clerics usually choose servicable attire of forest green. They live in forests and keep on friendly terms with the local rangers, druids, elves and fey. They keep guard against encroachments by evil folk, loggers, and others who would exploit and ruin any woodland. When confronting anyone who would exploit a forest, they tend to be gentle but firm, at least at first. If the invaders persist, Ehlonna's clerics can be ruthless in driving them out. Many of Ehlonna's clerics take it upon themselves to teach woodcraft, plant trees, or both. Woodland temples to Ehlonna are often open-air affairswith only trees for a roof. Small shrines to her are occasionally found in forest villages.