February 22, 2007


Austin, 'Mother Shipton The Missing Prophecies' Black Rabbit Press, 2003.

Dear Richard Branson,

With regard to your offer of £10+-m to anyone who can suggest a process whereby C02 in the atmosphere can be reduced, the answer lies not in any industrial process but in reduction of the causes of C02 production. Any industrial process will consume power and raw materials and so will emit more C02 than is sequestered unless the source of the C02 is discrete and localised. In this, instance C02 can be pumped underground.

The only valid method of reducing C02 is to attack the problem at source, meaning that emissions of C02 must be reduced. In effect, there are too many humans on this planet, all wishing to attain the standard of living enjoyed by developed societies such as Japan, America, and Western Europe. Since resources are finite, this will be impossible, not least because of the decreasing availability and increasing price of oil and gas. We can therefore look forward to a worldwide struggle to obtain these diminishing resources, ie diplomatic activity which if it fails, leads to war.

It is better to arrange that the world population decreases over the next century or less, which will be done by subtle changes introduced by governments so as to discourage procreation among their own citizens, countered by people who take an opposing view that the existing nature of society is such that prosperity cannot be maintained unless more children are born, who will support an ageing population. The initial euphoria of a cradle to grave social security system has been affected by a realisation that it is a kind of pyramid scheme that must eventually collapse under the burden of a shortfall amounting to billions, perhaps trillions. But if old people starve or are frozen to death, this could be thought of' as the way Nature has always acted in order to remove those who1 have become 'useless eaters'.

The collapse of pension schemes, public and private, will become more frequent, leading to a culture of 'work till you drop' as government pensions reduce in purchasing power and become worthless. If a pensioner cannot afford to light a fire then one way or another, C02 will drop just that little bit.

Governments are seeing to it that the cost of bringing up a child is becoming excessive unless the parents belong to the 'Elite', defined as the lucky, the clever, and the well connected, who may be assumed to comprise 1% of the population. Fewer children, less C02. At the same time, superbugs are allowed to infest our hospitals so that a third of patients go home with a disease they did not have on admission. More deaths, less C02. Education is continually changed so that many children exit school with few or no qualifications, and higher education means a debt of £15,000 gaining worthless degrees. People will not realise what is being done to them; they are being 'dumbed down' and taxed to death.

At last the masses have been told that C02 will kill the planet and anyone on it if things go on as they have done for the last 300 years through a phenomenon termed 'global warming' (GW). Little do they know that excessive warmth acts to bring about a new Ice Age, nor do they appreciate that we are living at the end of a warm era of around 10,000 years that will be followed by 90,000 years of ice, interrupted by violent swings in climate that occur, on the average, once per 892 years, which can be rounded to once per millennium. The change can occur in as short a period as one to three years as determined from ice cores.

Having at least partially and belatedly recognised the truth, an attitude is forming which is characterised by 'eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die', or in commercial terms, we have voted for 'business as usual' until that becomes impossible, when the motto will be 'sauve qui peut' (save yourself mate). Thus, we have no intention of reducing C02 more than a tiny fraction when the necessity exists to reduce consumption by 80 to 90% starting NOW. In realistic terms, the stock markets will be driven to new highs despite the occasional wave of selling by profit takers according to the general opinion that we should 'spend, spend, spend' while we can. This will not reduce C02 so we have to reduce the consumers.

In principle, we accept the following;

Increase deaths, decrease births, reduce lifespans.

Supply arms to anyone who wants to start a war or a revolution.

Write off the continent of Africa except for assuring continued supplies of oil, gas, foodstuffs, and to a lesser extent diamonds, base metals, and gold.

Increase the number of people in extreme poverty, living in favelas, refugees &c. Reduce and eventually eliminate pension schemes.

Prepare for increasing mayhem by the construction of concentration camps for dissidents, criminals, looters, and activists. Motto: 'The State reserves the right to kill you.'

Increase the prevalence and reduce the price of addictive and lethal drugs.

Promote civil wars and sectarian violence by artificial divisions of countries.

Distribute billions in 'aid' which will vanish into the pockets of a few and impoverish the remainder.

Never pay a price for food that allows the farmer to make a decent profit or any at all. If forced to label food, do so in an incomprehensible manner.

Reduce and eventually eliminate medical support for the elderly, take over care homes to the profit of Elite companies, starve the residents, grab their property.

Eliminate the will to resist by reducing democracy to a sham and substituting kleptocracy (Rule by those able to increase prices and taxes at will).

Remove guns from the populace preparatory to the coming Police State (already in operation in many parts of the world).

Introduce laws by regulation or fiat, not by democratic process, by unaccountable appointed authorities.

Hold in reserve (soon to be introduced) a tax on aircraft fuel which will act to reserve aviation for the Elite and the military.

Introduce a pay per km/mile scheme for private motorists to reduce mileage of cars.

Introduce cheap electric vehicles which will reduce mobility of the populace.

Continue to encourage or allow pornography, solo parents, sequential partnerships in lieu of marriage, easy divorce, gay 'marriages', prostitution, binge drinking and 24 hr bars, casual sex, working mothers (the 'child alone' syndrome) in order to reduce childbirth and make effective child rearing virtually impossible and/or expensive.

Split up families, approve homosexuality + lesbianism and increase the number of transgender persons (none of whom are noted for reproducing), reduce male fertility through the general intake of estrogen mimics, introduce compulsory sterilisation for certain offenders, those with virulent sexually transmitted diseases, the mentally challenged (ie morons), those with inheritable DNA defects, and increase mortality among severely abnormal babies.

Encourage suicide pacts, allow life termination by doctors upon request, introduce triage, increase ambulance waiting times, decrease emergency service in hospitals, reduce the number of doctors and nurses available, close hospitals, reduce beds, fail to resuscitate those clinically dead, and postpone operations as many times as possible. Reduce recovery periods, make midwives unavailable. Never do autopsies.

Make drugs prohibitively expensive, reduce budgets for the purchase of medicines, refuse to make cheap drugs (i.e. generics) available first in third world countries and then universally especially once patents have run out. Use legal measures to make people buy drugs in foreign countries, or else pay enormous unwarranted prices.

Fail to win any 'drug wars' especially abroad so that the existing system of manufacture and supply continues to the enrichment of the few who have control, while pointing to success in minor seizures.

Encourage senior citizens to emigrate within Europe from colder climes to the shores of the Med (e.g. Spain, Italy, Balkans, Greece, Turkey) in view of the coming Ice Age ( Motto: 'We told you so' ) in advance of the the cessation of the Gulf Stream.

Fail to adequately warn people of the consequences of this cessation whose trigger is global warming; that is, Europe will freeze and the residents will die.

Fail to warn people that air and road travel to escape will be impossible and that few or no cruise ships will either exist or be replaced after about 2040 when the Gulf Stream fails and harbours and airfields are frozen solid, or there is no fuel. This also applies to the East Coast of America.

Introduce the 'suicide gene' to all seed crops so that the farmer cannot plant seed saved from last year's crop because it will not germinate. Then, if no new seed is supplied, millions will die.

Increase the prevalence of clinical insanity but refuse to treat it in institutions ('care in the community') so that many madmen are loosed, which can give rise to repressive measures restricting freedom, a police state, and further deaths. Increase the supply of soporifics which, however, have possibly lethal side effects.

Establish absolute control of the media and transmission by satellite to all quarters of the world but allow no freedom of expression unless it is desired to remove a current administration which is not complying with the wishes of the Elite.

When necessary, invent and finance new political organisations to carry out specific tasks to produce chaos, fear, and subservience among the population, who can even be made afraid of chimeras (example: Al Qaeda), supplying these organisations with guns, bombs, money, and charismatic leadership.

If and when necessary, blame everything on God or Allah, especially for the non-arrival of any genuine Messiah, who the Elite do not want anyway and can provide their own at the appropriate time, being someone who can be suitably brainwashed into adopting the role, and who will then be murdered.

Rob the poor to pay for everything, not only proportionately, but in absolute terms until the poor are literally dying of hunger, disease, and charity fatigue. The achievable standard is one dollar a day per family (not per capita) or less. Work them to death in the meantime, doing lethal tasks such as asbestos removal. Motto: 'Arbeit macht frei'.

Clear the rainforest in selected areas. This makes the Elite rich and provides a subsistence economy for the poor until the soil gives up, which takes less than 3 years. The places selected will grow crops when the climate becomes arctic in the Northern hemisphere, when areas that will be submerged or desertified will be left to their fate.

Fail to warn people (especially farmers) that areas previously dry will become deserts through GW so that land and assets can be seized by banks and multinationals. If aquifers are tapped then allow over-extraction. Encourage salination.

Allow privatisation of water supplies when profits come before anything else and fail to construct adequate reservoirs, fail to control leaks and do not replace old systems, especially those constructed of lead. Do not even think of desalination plants and make private well sinking illegal. Construct waste systems so that in the event of flood, sewage will make the water undrinkable. Allow water to be continually recycled so that excreted drugs are univerally consumed.

Exterminate indigenous peoples or herd them into camps where they can be taught 'civilised' ways,including the use of money. Examples abound. The common result is disease and alcoholism, leading to death. Their land can be declared 'Terra Nullis' (uninhabited) and appropriated.

Cause stress among the whole population. Stress can be physical, mental, psychological, financial or emotional, which will result in anything from individual or collective dysfunction to early death. Relief should be allowed to the Elite but not the poor. Stress can be dealt with by legal or illegal drugs, both causing more harm than good and enriching the Elite. Continually set 'yardsticks' 'targets' or 'goalposts' which should be reset at unpredictable intervals..

Mystify the world by referring to 'society' when the aim is to fracture and dismantle it down to the level of the individual, but continually refer to the fictional 'International Community' as if it existed outside the halls of UNO, whose duty consists of killing people in the name of peace-keeping and preparing for the New World Order.

Establish US bases in as many countries as possible (allow four per country) which will eventually be handed over to UNO or NATO whose actions will absolve the US from direct responsibility. If only islands are usable, take them over and remove their citizens elsewhere.

Dismantle classical religion so that long established systems of morality and behavior are downgraded to historical abberations of no usefulness in today's world of 'dog eat dog', substituting fundamentalism which is an expression of survival techniques from hundreds or thousands of years ago. When directed against whole classes of non-believers, fundamentalism becomes 'holy war', a crusade, or a 'jihad', expanding from religious activism to include politics, war and protest, in the course of which lots of innocent people will die. Religion is a 'must have' in the 21st C. as it can be relied on to reduce the population.

Introduce strange gods and cults for the Elite which will mark them out as distinct from the non-Elite in keeping with secret societies worldwide, as characterised by the Freemasons and others. This may eventually become a matter of life and death.

Persecute and vilify any persons desiring to re-create Pagan (country) religions such as the Druids, and any other persons revering Nature as essential to life on Earth. Never use the words Mother Nature, substituting the meaningless phrase -'The Environment', usually meaning a small area of green in a concrete wasteland. Deprivation of humans of natural beauty means more tourism to places assumed to be still pristine and unspoiled to the profit of the Elite, who don't go there.

Encourage overgrazing, overcropping and wildlife consumption. This keeps a few persons alive for a while but may be encouraged if the Elite have no use for the idiots (the desperate) concerned nor the land they are consuming as these practices are non-viable in the long term.

Invent new diseases or new strains of the old, but fail to provide remedies especially where the locals cannot afford them or are considered vermin anyway. In the case of AIDS, the decease of one generation will be followed by the consequent orphans hopefully before they can reproduce. Diseases can be made targetable or genetically specific.

Overpay certain classes of human beings; notably company directors, stockbrokers,Arbitrage operators, footballers, artificial 'personalities/celebrities' invented by the media- encouraging greed, envy, robbery (armed or not) and social disintegration.


We must accept that the solution to the problems that are being caused by Global Warming is Social Engineering, rather than any engineering solution that relies upon resources and energy as its input.

Social engineering can consist of steering society gently in the desired direction, or more violent measures up to and including nuclear warfare. Here we note that the philosophy of taking lives to save lives is no longer operative. In the New World of tomorrow we should not care how many lives it takes to save the planet, or at least stave off disaster for as long as possible.

Thank you.

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