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(Customer relations in a monopolistic environment)

  1.    Microsoft WebTV does not provide a means to view and delete cookies.  Expert WebTV users have developed programs to accomplish cookie manipulation.  The latest Microsoft 'upgrade' has sabotaged this user developed cookie software.

  2.    Microsoft WebTV provides a variety of background graphic designs for its users to create their own Web Sites, using Page Builder software. Naturally, WebTV users, wanting more choices for background graphic designs, have used HTML to install their own custom background designs.  The latest Microsoft 'upgrade' successfully sabotaged the users ability to use their own background graphics.  Read how Microsoft boasts about doing this in element No.5 at the bottom of their Web Development page.

  3.    Microsoft encourages WebTV users to learn HTML to customize their E-Mail. But after they learn to link to published Page Builder images to enhance their E-Mail, bugs magically appear on their terminals, making this linking impossible.  Inspite of charging more then almost any other ISP, Microsoft does whatever it can to restrict bandwidth usage by its WebTV customers - who because of the nature of terminals, need it more then computer users.

  4.    Microsoft continues to offer 'upgrades' of its terminal software, inspite of continuing severe 'bugs', that hamper the efficient usage of WebTV terminals - e.g. the Javascript bug.

  5.    Microsoft's 'upgrade' disables CSS sidebar placement, thus destroying a long standing creative element for a multitude of WebTV users.

 Additions or corrections to this list are most welcome, E-Mail me, using the form at
the bottom of the last page.