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The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess is the One, ever experienced as Whole, although the three aspects were a reflection of Woman.

The Virgin, or Maiden expressed the Cosmic, Life-Giving aspect.

The Mother, or Nurturer nourished life and sustains life with the abundance of Herself.

The Crone, or Death-Bringer, is the Changing Woman, who recalls all spent lifeforms back within her womb.

Each is represented individually, with attributes relating to Herself alone, but all are One within Her.

Virgin: Anu/ Anann/ Dana/ Dana-Ana (Ireland); Blodeuwedd (Wales); Elaine (Wales)

Mother: Badb/ Badhbh, Badb Catha (Ireland); Arianrhod (Wales); Margawse (Wales)

Crone: Caillech (Ireland), Macha (Ireland), Morrigu (Ireland), Scathach (Ireland), White Lady (Ireland)

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