(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Autobot Alliance Sea Spray. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Autobot Alliance Sea Spray here.)
As opposed to Sea Spray,
who has a more generally "commercial" aquatic theme to his color scheme,
Deep Dive here has a more covert, Navy Seal-esque scheme. He's got a lot
of black on him, along with a couple dark, dull shades of green that look
almost exactly like face paint members of the military use when they want
to hide. To a lesser extent, he's also got some dull silver paint and muddy
brown plastic, which make it look even more like he's hiding from someone.
The bits of red keep him from being entirely in a "dull camo" type of scheme,
though, and really help bring the whole color scheme together with a little
bit of eye-catching contrast. The only part of Deep Dive's scheme I don't
like is the transparent yellow plastic; it certainly doesn't clash with
anything, but the yellow is a bit too pale, which doesn't lend itself to
contrast against the dark green and black as much as it otherwise would've.
That's a pretty small quibble, though. Since Deep Dive is from the "Reveal
the Shield" subline, he has an allegiance rub symbol on the left side of
his chest. Rub it to show that he's (another) Autobot.
No mold changes have
been made to Autobot Alliance Deep Dive.
Autobot Alliance Deep
Dive is pretty nice "military stealth" repaint of an already great mold.
Other than the transparent yellow, all of his colors come together quite
well to give him a cool theme. I personally like Sea Spray SLIGHTLY more
because of the greater color contrast, but if you like darker color schemes,
this is probably the version of this mold you'd want to get. Highly recommended,
either way.
Review by Beastbot