The Fallen (Voyager; Autobot Alliance)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeThe Fallen Unmasked
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark bluish purple, light dull greenish blue, and some silver, metallic dark purple, light sky blue, black, and light metallic silvery blue
Rating: 6.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original voyager RotF The Fallen toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original voyager RotF Fallen toy here.)

    The Fallen is a bit of an unusual redeco to bring into the Autobot Alliance line, given that he was pretty definitively dead at the end of Revenge of the Fallen. But hey, that hasn't stopped Transformers before, right? Anyways, instead of just a slight redeco, this version of The Fallen has exchanged his flamey & green deco for a rather "icy" color scheme. A really nice shade of dark bluish purple is the main color, and the pale greenish blue contrasts with it well while still giving him that "cold" look. The couple of accents that are present also contrast very well with the surrounding colors and highlight certain areas of hte figure while keeping that icy theme going-- the light sky blue looks especially good, and the silver paint apps make sure he isn't made ENTIRELY of different shades of blue. That said, a few more paint apps to break up some of the colors a little more-- particularly on his arms and feet-- would've been appreciated.
    There are two major mold changes made to this version of The Fallen. The first is that he now comes with his staff that he had in the movie, and it has some pretty nice mold detailing. His hands have been remolded so that he can hold the staff, but in actuality he only loosely grasps the thing-- it doesn't take too much wiggling and the staff falls out. The staff can bend in half and be stuck in a small hole in his vehicle mode for "storage", but it sticks out like a sore thumb in that mode, which is saying something considering how poor The Fallen's vehicle mode already is. The second mold change, on the other hand, is something I have nothing negative to say about, and that's his new head mold(s). His "main" head now looks INCREDIBLY accurate to its screen appearance in everything but color-- really, the amount of molded detail on this thing is nearly unmatched among Transformers toys, and is simply wonderful to look at. However, you can also take The Fallen's face off to reveal a detailed (both in terms of mold and paint detailing) "damaged face" underneath, just like when Optimus Prime famously said that "Give me your face!" line near the end of the movie! This is one of those completely unnecessary but really fun added details that I just love.
    Autobot Alliance The Fallen's color scheme is a near-opposite of his onscreen appearance's, but if fits, especially if he's been "de-powered" since the events of the second TF movie. It's a pretty good "icy" color scheme in and of itself, too, though a few more paint details could've been put here and there. What really makes this redeco stand out, though, are the much-needed added weapon and the fun face-removal gimmick (along with the incredible face sculpt itself). He's still a fairly bad toy in "vehicle" mode, but the mold changes push this version above his initial Voyager class version (but not QUITE as high as the "Burning" version).

The Fallen Bio:
The Fallen knows that only a true Prime can destroy him. He enters every battle knowing that the outcome is inevitable-- that he will be victorious. Highbrow and Autobot Ratchet stand no chance against him. He wields the power of the ancients-- technology so advanced that to the Autobots he faces it appears to be magic. He will crush the miserable robots that dare to challenge him, and proceed with his plans as if the interruption never occurred.
Strength: Infinity
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: Infinity
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: Infinity
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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