Ravage (Legend) [Autobot Alliance]
Beast ModeVehicle/Fish Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark milky gunmetal gray and some silver and pale light metallic orange
Rating: 6.8

    Ravage is a relatively small Transformer compared to most of the Movie 'Bots and 'Cons, so it was only a matter of time before he got his own Legends class figure. Ravage's beast mode-- being the primary reason this toy exists, after all-- is quite good, and makes the transition pretty decently to this small of a scale. The mold detailing is particularly great for such small size, with all the necessary details like Ravage's "spine" and whatnot intricately detailed. His spikes aren't "spikey" enough, but at this size that's admittedly hard to do. His proportions are more or less spot on, and his articulation is quite good for the size class-- he can move at the hips and ankles of each of his four feet, as well as at the knees of his back two feet. His hip-guns can also move up or down (as one piece), and his tail can move up-and-down at the base, while the end can rotate in place. That said, because of the way his front knees are molded he always looks like he's eternally crouching/getting ready to pounce in this mode. It's a decent pose, but I wish he could've pulled off some sort of "static" pose as well. My main complaint about this mode is just the complete lack of a color scheme Ravage has-- I mean, yeah his design isn't the most colorful ever, but his deluxe toy still had a decent number of colors on it besides just... one. ALL of Ravage's plastic is the same dull gunmetal gray color, and while it's a nice shade of said color, it's remarkably boring by itself. All of his paint detailing besides his eye is plain silver as well, which really doesn't contrast with the plastic at all-- heck, from many angles you can barely even tell the silver paint's there under normal lighting.
    Ravage's "vehicle mode"-- in reality another beast mode, which I'll get to shortly-- is a bit of a mess, but as an overall silouhette I have to admit it's a slightly better design than his deluxe toy's "alt mode". As with his other design, the legs just sort fold to the sides/underneath his belly in a "don't look at me!" fashion, while the tail hides itself down the middle of the figure. However, whereas the deluxe toy had some sort of poor "entry mode" with little wings, this version of Ravage actually has his alt mode based on a concept art design from the movie that was discarded-- he's a fish! Granted, it is admittedly a bit hard to see because of the clunkiness of his legs, but the large blades coming out from the sides of his back legs do make decent enough "fins". The main thing, though, is the large "nose attachment" that connects to Ravage's mouth, extending it to look sort of like a swordfish's head. It's a fairly inventive design, and goes quite well with the bony spinal motif the design's already known for. Unfortunately, only Ravage's hip guns can move in this mode-- otherwise he has no articulation.
    It was a neat idea, putting Ravage's scrapped "swordfish mode" into this toy, but it still doesn't hide the fact that Ravage has an incredibly poor alternate mode which was definitely a second thought. His normal beast mode is pretty good for a Legends, though his color scheme is completely blah. If you're a Ravage fan or simply want a Transformer as weird and unique as a robo-cat that transforms into a robo-fish, he might be worth a pickup, since he's so cheap. Otherwise, get the larger (deluxe) version with better articulation and color variaton.

Ravage Tech Specs:
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 4.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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