Prowl (Autobot Alliance)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: White, black, and some silver, metallic silvery blue, and light red
Rating: 7.5

    Like the other "Reveal the Shield" Legends figures, Prowl takes heavy cues from his G1 toy in his design. In vehicle mode he's a police car very much in line with his G1 toy, but a bit more streamlined and sportscar-esque. The proportions are GENERALLY good in this mode, but the fromt bumper looks a bit too wide and fat. Prowl also doesn't have any back bumper-- you can clearly see his knees back there-- but other than that, this mode has no robot mode extras. The mold detailing is a little on the sparse side to keep Prowl a bit more toon-accurate, though thankfully there's enough paint detailing to keep him from looking too boring in his rather monochrome getup-- his windows and headlights are painted that metallic silvery blue shade, his siren a light red, and he's got a black front bumper and very G1-like "HIGHWAY PATROL POLICE" decals on his car doors. I wish his side rims were also painted black like the G1 toy, but that's getting a little nitpicky for such a small size. Since he's a "Reveal the Shield" toy, Prowl has a small allegiance rub symbol near the front of this mode-- rub it with your thumb to reveal he's an Autobot.
    Prowl's transformation and robot mode design are identical to Universe 2.0 Legends Jazz' toy, so many of the same critiques and complements I have about that older toy apply here. Prowl's arms a bit weak-- they're very flat and two-dimensional, with the doors hanging rather unceremoniously off the sides-- but other than that, he looks pretty good in this mode (given the size class). His robot face has a nice sculpt to fit the character and is painted well, with his distinguishing features like his red head crest all there. His chest area is a bit wide, but that's a bit easy to overlook given the size and Prowl's original G1 transformation. The side windows hang off his back like wings, and help add a bit more to the silouhette of this mode instead of detracting from it. His legs are top-notch, having no proportional problems whatsoever and good stability with the feet. That said, I do wish his upper legs were painted gray or black to mix up the colors a little more. For a Legends class toy, his articulation is above-average-- he can move at the shoulders (at two points), hips, knees, and ankles.
    Autobot Alliance "Legends" Prowl is definitely one of the better molds for the size class, that's for sure. He's got a few minor proportional problems in vehicle and robot mode, but for the size that's practically to be expected. It remains quite faithful to the G1 toy while updating things a little bit for today. If you're into Legends class toys and/or like Prowl, this is an easy recommendation-- mildly recommended otherwise.

Prowl Tech Specs:
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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