Bumblebee (Battlefield; Activator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light yellow and some black, milky gray, light pastel blue, metallic silver, and glittery bluish black
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Activator Bumblebee. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Activator Bumblebee here.)

    ANOTHER repaint of the Activators Bumblebee mold?! Well, regardless, it's an interesting twist on the classic Bumblebee color scheme. Yellow is still the main color for Bumblebee, though it's a noticeably brighter shade of yellow than on the original Activator. There's also some black too, seen primarily on some interior robot mode parts and the windshield, which is an interesting bluish-black shade, making them look "heavily tinted" even though it's just paint. The main "new" thing about Bumblebee this time around is the addition of quite a significant amount of gray and silver, adding a third main color to his scheme. The silver apint used on the stripes and sides of the vehicle mode looks particularly good, though even the regular gray plastic used on some robot mode parts a bit shiny, and was a nice choice. Given the addition of all the gray and the dual silver stripes in vehicle mode, I'm fairly certain this is a redeco homage to Classics Bumblebee, a rather unexpected homage. Using the light pastel blue sparingly for highlights also works decently on the toy, too (though better against the silver than the yellow). The Autobot symbol on the chest/roof is a bit obnoxiously large, though.
    No mold changes have been made to Battlefield Bumblebee.
    Battlefield Bumblebee may not be a bonafide "repaint" give he's still mostly yellow and black, but adding in the gray and silver makes him a bit more visually interesting in my opinion, and looks particularly good in vehicle mode. If you're only going to get one version of this mold, get Cliffjumper-- but if you're only going to get one version of this mold that's BUMBLEBEE, get this one.

Battlefield Bumblebee Character Bio:
When Optimus Prime told Bumblebee to get ready for battle, he naturally figured the boss 'bot meant a new paint-job and polish. Sure, there are a few new armor plates here and there, but there's no excuse not to look good when you're trashing Decepticons.

Review by Beastbot

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