Dirge (Animated)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull dark aquamarine-teal, light dull greenish mustard yellow, and some black, orange, light metallic silvery blue, light pale metallic gold, and dull fuchsia
Rating: 8.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Activator Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Activator Starscream here.)

    Dirge shares a bit in common with the G1 Seeker of the same name-- such as having blue as a main color, as well as some black-- but it differs a bit more in other respects. Some interesting fuchsia stripes are added as decoration in vehicle mode, and instead of a straight light brown, a large portion of his vehicle mode is a mustard yellowish color. I have to give them some points for originality and "mixing up" Dirge's color scheme a bit, but the mustard yellow just does NOT work with the rest of the color scheme. Maybe as a small accent color it might have done alright with the black, but in my opinion it just clashes with the blue and fuchsia a bit in as large an amount as it's used. However, ignoring that, the color scheme is pretty nice-- the blue is a pretty nice-looking shade, and the black goes well with it, as does the vibrant orange paint used for the vehicle mode cockpit and the fuchsia stripes. I also like the bluish tint to the metallic silver on Dirge's face-- it's a nice touch that helps to differentiate his face a little from the other Starscream clones'.
    No mold changes have been made to Animated Dirge.
    Animated Dirge is made from one of the best Activator molds, but unfortunately the addition of that horrid mustard yellow really clashes with what is otherwise a fine color scheme. This is the only Starscream clone to get an Activator and NOT a larger Voyager-class figure (though no, you're not missing anything, Dirge isn't in the show), so if you only want one of each character I'd pick this up in lieu of the other versions of this toy, but otherwise get Activator Thundercracker instead-- he looks much better. (Though I would recommend Dirge ever-so-slightly over Activator Starscream, due to Starscream's really dull and boring color scheme.)

Dirge Character Bio:
Greedy, grasping, and never satisfied, Dirge always hungers for more. More power. More fuel. More altitude. Whatever it is, Dirge wants all of it. He's another clone of Starscream who reveals the worst aspect of that fighter ace's ambition-- the inability to ever be content with what he has.

Review by Beastbot

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