Grimlock (Activator)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Gray, dull tan, and some black, metallic yellowish gold, pale metallic bronze, dull rusty red, and light sky blue
Rating: 7.0

    Grimlock's t-rex mode is good, at least from a top-down view. The tyrannosaurus proportions are quite accurate to the show version, and his color scheme is pretty accurate to the larger toy. His gray is a bit duller, though, which makes Grimlock's already fairly dull color scheme look even less interesting. Still, the dull red, tan, and metallic bronze are fairly good contrast colors against the gray-- it's just far too dominant of a color, is the problem. Still, for an Activator toy, Grimlock has fairly good t-rex articulation-- he can move at his hips (at two points), knees (at two points), ankles, at the base of each of his two tiny arms, and at one point along his tail. His mouth can't open and close, which is a bit of a disappointment. I do love that the tail, though still a little small proportionally, fits in with the body better in terms of its shape and isn't LAUGHABLY small. Of course, now we come to the HUGE downside to this side, which is apparent in the pictures above-- Grimlock's robot legs are INCREDIBLY blatant on Grimlock's underside in this mode. I mean, they're just there, without any attempt whatsoever to blend in. It's particularly bad near the back where the legs are wider yet the dinosaur body is slimmer-- it almost makes Grimlock look like he has a big butt. You can also see the robot waist from a front view, which doesn't look too hot, either. Pressing down on the tan tab near the rear of Grimlock will activate his auto-transformation, with all that's required afterwards is some posing of his limbs and rotating his dino tail back.
    Grimlock's bot mode is clearly where the priority is for this toy. It looks fantastic all around, particularly for this size class and with an auto-transformation. The tyrannosaurus head and main body hang behind his back, but it's out of the way and doesn't interfere with movement or his stability (much). Plus it's like that on the Voyager toy as well, that's a minor downside at most. His tail sticks out from behind his butt in robot mode, though, which looks rather odd. His overall robot proportions are pretty good in general, but his arms are a little long, which is my main problem with this mode. The paint apps on his robot chest & head are very well-done-- I particularly like the combination of metallic yellowish-gold, metallic bronze, and dull red on his chest-- they all go together marvelously well with each other and with the dominant gray color, making Grimlock more eye-catching in this mode than in his dinosaur mode. Grimlock has pretty good articulation, particularly for an Activator-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows, wrists, hips, and knees again (and some of those are on ball joints for added movement).
    Activator Grimlock has an awesome robot mode for such a small toy, but his tyrannosaurus rex mode suffers from a HUGE kibble problem-- his robot legs sticking out from the bottom. If it wasn't for that this toy would get a great rating, but those darned legs just pull it down substantially. If spending $20 on Voyager Grimlock is really THAT big of a deal to you, than this is an okay substitute, but it's not the best of the Activators.

Activator Grimlock Character Bio:
One of the first robots brought to life on Earth by the power of the AllSpark, Grimlock is the leader of the Dinobots. Though he originally fell prey to the manipulation of Megatron, he now understands that Earth and the Autobots deserve his friendship and protection. There's nothing he enjoys more than melting Decepticons into scrap with his flame breath.

Review by Beastbot

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