Season II, Episode VIII:

"African Storm"

Writer: Nick Dubois

Director: Gary Graham

Original Air Date: November 17, 2001

Synopsis/Review: This episode begins in some tribal village in the middle of Africa. A bunch of the tribespeople are doing their little dance around the fire, either doing some ceremony or praising their god or something. Anyway, a guy with a skull mask on- presumably the tribe leader- steps out of a nearby tent. The tribespeople immediately fall silent and cease their ritual. The skull-masked leader tells his people that the search is over- their "wandering goddess" has been found. He essentially tells his people to get ready, 'cause they're going to get her back. He throws a torch onto the wooden idol, which is a carving of a woman- a lay-over shows Storm as we fade to the opening title sequence...
    ...When we come back, we're now at Bayville High. Jean walks out into the outdoor area, looking for someone. Scott, sitting with Terran, sees Jean and calls her over. The two try to initiate conversation with Jean, but she feels a bit awkward seeing Scott with another girl and leaves off to go find Duncan. (If you can't see the irony here, well.... you need glasses.) Spyke zooms by her, though, quickly yanking the milk off her tray ("Hey, thanks!" and taking off. Being the nice gal that she is, Jean uses her powers to "trip" Evan off his skateboard, flying into table and knocking a bunch of trays off him. Evan looks up from the place where he landed, to find... Principal Kelly! What a surprise!
    Later, at the X-Mansion, Storm is waiting around in the Danger Room. She hears a couple of spooky whispers, but nothing's there. She started to get a little nervous, until Evan finally shows up. She chastises him for being late, and he apologizes- he got "held up at school" (i.e., probably detention or something). They then proceed to start the training session- it's a simulation called "Stormcatcher", in which Evan is supposed to protect Storm while she walks to a certain point. Evan manages to protect Storm against such things as metal tentacles and pitfalls, but then a box closes up over Storm. Spyke tries to puncture his way through the cube, but his bone spikes do nothing to it. Storm starts to panic, and she suddenly releases a bunch of lightning, destroying the cube and ending the simulation, but hurting herself slightly in the process. Storm's a little agitated, but Spyke defends himself- he didn't activate that box! Spyke runs out of the Danger Room, upset that he couldn't free his aunt from her box prison. Storm ominously responds that she didn't activate that box, either... and no one's in the Danger Room control room...
    Getting up, Storm makes her way back to the elevator up to the main levels. Going through the hallway to get there, she hears the same strange whispers and other sounds, and she sees a human form dashing out of the corner of her eye. Storm quickly tries to turn on the light switch, but it's not working. She hurriedly makes her way to the elevator, nearly into a panic as she finally enters it. She comes face-to-face with Beast, though, who startles her. Beast chalks up her reaction to his appearance, and says he has that effect on a lot of people, heheh. They go up to the main floor, and Storm, now calmer, asks Beast what he wanted. Beast holds up Evan's report card, which he found in the trash. It's not very good...
    That night, it's getting pretty foggy. Rogue, coming in from a ride out with Risty, shivers a bit, and obviously doesn't like the overall "mood" set by the fog. She activates the security system after entering the Mansion.
    Later in the night, Storm's sleeping. She's having nightmares/flashbacks. We figure out that she used to be the African tribe's "goddess" when she was a bit younger. She gave them rain when they needed, and they praised her, thinking that she was a goddess because of her powers. One day, she left (apparently after some events which made her realize herself that she wasn't a goddess), though, much to the anger of the skull-faced leader. As Storm's having the nightmares, we see a shadow come up to her bed. She abruptly startles awake, yelling... only to find no one there. Wolverine soon comes in- he sniffed something, too. He can't find anybody, though. Shadowcat also comes in to check on Storm after hearing the yell, but leaves after Wolverine assures her there's nothing there. Xavier comes in, asking Storm what's been going on lately. Storm replies that she guess she's just getting frustrated with Evan- no matter what she tells him, he never seems to take school seriously. Xavier responds that maybe the Institute isn't the right place for him- perhaps Evan would be better situated back at his home. Storm agrees, right as Evan starts to come into the room- he hears what they say, though, and quickly backs out, heading back to his own room.
    The next morning, Storm's getting ready to take a bath- she turns the faucet on, goes to get a couple of things from inside the mirror cabinet- but when she closes it again, there's a water-vapor skull on the mirror! Storm cries out, dropping the things she was getting.
    Xavier's wheeling through a hallway when a drop hits him on the head, leaking from the ceiling above. He immediately heads upstairs.
    Kitty hears Storm's cry, and phases into the bathroom, seeing Ororo sitting by herself, apparently in a sorrowful daze, the tub overrunning behind her. Kitty asks Storm what's run, but Storm doesn't divulge what's bothering her- she insists she's fine, even as Xavier and Jean come up to Ororo as she leaves the bathroom. After Ororo's left, Kitty calls Xavier's attention to the bathroom mirror- which is broken...
    Later that morning, Storm, now fully dressed and ready, come into Evan's room, seeing him packing up his clothes. Evan admits that yeah, he heard what his aunt and Xavier were talking about last night. Storm asks him if he thinks that's alright, and Evan angrily says that he's fine with it. It's not like he's gotten really close to anyone here, anyway. Refusing to let the conversation carry on further, he heads off to school.
    Later, at school, Rogue is talking with Risty as they walk down the hallway. Rogue tells Risty about Storm's odd behavior lately, and Risty sympathizes with Ororo- after all, having that claustrophobia must be hard. Rogue immediately stops the conversation- how'd Risty know about Storm's claustrophobia? Risty hurriedly comes up with an explanation about just hearing it as gossip, and quickly hurries off, leaving behind a confused Rogue. (Oops. Strike one, Mystique.)
    Later at school, Kitty runs up to Scott and Jean. She tells them that Evan's leaving the Institute after today! The three hurry back to where Evan is.
    Meanwhile, Evan's packing up his locker, taking all his stuff out of it and preparing to leave the school. Kurt asks Evan if there's anything that'll make him stay- he doesn't want the guy to leave! Evan just rudely responds that he doesn't know why Kurt's so worked up over this- it's not like they were friends. As Evan leaves, Kurt mentions that he thought they were... Jean, Kitty, and Scott come up to Evan, asking him what's wrong, why is he leaving? Evan just essentially shoves them all aside, practically yelling at them all that it's no big deal, he doesn't care. Evan angrily dumps all his books into the trash can before leaving.
    Back at the X-Mansion, Beast is moseying around in the fog on the front lawn when he's hit in the head by a football, and an incoming Cannonball. He's alright, though, but he wants to know what all of the New Mutants are doing out here as they all run up. Berzerker says that they were supposed to have a session with Storm, but she never showed up- so they improvised. Beast just smiles and talks about the "following costly repairs" when the improvise. He leads them into the Danger Room, setting up a volleyball net and giving a volleyball to the kids for them to use- only NO POWERS. The game gets underway, and Sunspot immediately slams the ball really hard onto the other side- TOO hard for him to do without using his powers. Berzerker angrily points this out and starts using his powers too, and the whole thing becomes a big power-fest. Beast jumps out of the now-dangerous volleyball arena, sighing to himself.
    Later that night, Storm is having nightmares again. Wanting some fresh air, she goes out onto the balcony to catch some fresh air- only to suddenly find snakes curling around her feet! Yelping, Storm quickly flies up to the air- where she sees Evan skating away into the fog. Storm flies down to the ground and runs after Evan, yelling/pleading with him not to run away, but he apparently doesn't hear her. Storm suddenly runs into one of the African tribesman, who she pegs as Mirambo. Surprised to see him here, Mirambo immediately warns Storm to turn back- the Hungan has come for her! Storm quickly pushes past him, wanting to catch up with Evan. A couple of shadowy African tribesman follow her, though, eventually managing to encircle her. Storm tries to fight back, only to get shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart. As Storm is carried away by the tribesman, Evan noticed the skirmish (as he is descending the Institute's gate from the other side), and notices his aunt in trouble. Finding that they disappeared into the fog, Evan immediately goes back to the Institute and wakes up the Professor, telling him what happened.
    Later, Storm awakens to find herself in a very tight, confined space in a hold of some sort. She starts to panic because of her claustrophobia, and tries to force her way out of the hold using her powers, but it's no use. She eventually collapses from fear.
    A while later, the door to the hold opens, but Storm's in such a trance that she barely notices. The skull-faced man- the Hungan- makes his way in, explaining to the weather witch that he has finally found her. And, now that her spirit is broken, it shall be his! He takes out his staff, says a few magical incantation words, and actually manages to absorb Storm's soul into his staff..... Huh. Go fig.
    Meanwhile, Wolverine races up to the foggy docks in his motorcycle, sniffing for Storm's scent- yep, he found it. The other main X-Men members (minus Beast) quickly catch up with him, and they head for the boat where Storm's scent is coming from- until Logan detects another scent. He quickly reaches behind a box and catches an African man- Mirambo, who insists that he means them no harm. Logan asks what this is all about, and Mirambo explains the situation to them- that the Hungan essentially took Storm's powers for their own. The X-Men continue on, and soon the various African tribesmen "henchmen" start attacking the X-Men, via darts, arrows, grappling hooks, whatever. The X-Men manage to evade and/or subdue the many tribesmen, though, and make their way up to the boat- where they're attacked by Storm herself! She's being controlled by the skull-faced guy's staff, the aformentioned man all sadistic with glee up on a higher deck of the boat. Storm sends all the X-Men running for cover. Spyke remembers Storm's advice about "Following her voice", though, and manages to listen carefully through the fog to the Hungan's chants. Evan then quickly emerges from behind one of the dock's crates and fires off a round of spikes at the Hungan- one of them successfully breaks the soul-catching gem on the end of the staff, and Storm's soul flows back into her. Now back under control of her own body, Storm sends the skull-faced guy blowing out into the ocean via a huge whirlwind. So much for him and his henchmen... This uses up all of Storm's remaining power, though, and she falls from the sky, Evan barely managing to catch her before she hits the ground. Storm weakly looks up and smiles at her "saviour".
    The next morning at the X-Mansion, Evan comes up to Storm and his mother in the lobby. He's ready to leave. Storm responds that he was talking over the situation with his mother, and they agree that, after Evan showing the maturity and level-headed thinking that he showed last night, they think it'll be alright if he stays. Evan immediately cheers, apparently letting go of his "I don't care if I leave" attitude. He runs back to the other entering teenage X-Men, congratulating himself on being able to stay, and for rescuing Storm last night. Whee, you go, Evan. Now go away, your lines are corny.

Last Words: This episode was fairly well-written, but a few major things bothered me. For one, I don't like all the magic voo-doo stuff used by the Hungan in this episode. Especially the Storm soul-snatching. C'mon, that stuff doesn't belong in X-Men- this is sci-fi, not fantasy. Pretty corny, if you ask me. Not to mention that if the Hungan could really steal people's souls, you'd think he'd be a lot more powerful than just the head of a remote African tribe... Evan was also a little annoying, too, although he wasn't nearly as bad as in "Spykecam". Both Evan and Storm were given some very good characterization, something both of them needed a little more of- especially Storm, who had been in the series since the beginning and still hadn't had an episode focused on her 'till now.

Overall Rating: 7/10 Good

(NOTE: This episode was aired as the seventh episode of Season 2, even though, in actuality, it is the eighth.)

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