Airazor ToyAirazor Repaint on Card
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Brown and yellow, with some light blue blue and grey (Original) Dark brown and orange, with some silvery grey and light blue (with video)
Rating: 5.8 (Original), 5.7 (with video)

    Beast mode is a peregrine falcon. This mode is okay, but her arms are clearly visible from under her wings, and her underside looks awkward. Her wings can "flap" in and out by moving the two yellow pieces protruding out of her back. This is enhanced by flipping out claw pieces on her wings, to make it look like she is grabbing something in front of her.
    Robot mode is a disappointment. Her feet don't look like feet, but backwards hawk feet (which is what they are). Her wings and her tail feathers stick out of her back, and, although they don't get in the way, they may cause the toy to lose its balance. She also has a neat little talon gun, but it's pretty easy to lose. There is also a noticeable hole between her finely-detailed robot head and her beast mode head, but this is a minor flaw.
    (There was a later version of Airazor that was repainted and packaged with a Beast Wars video, but I have been told the joints don't hold very well in this version.)
    Okay, but this is definitely not the best basic transformer.

Airazor Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Recon
An aerial reconnaissance expert, Airazor's optical matrix scanners can detect Predacon ground movement from 30,000 feet. Internal radar transmitters then relay data to fellow Maximals, complete with 3-D virtual reality maps detailing enemy location. Cyberblades located within wings open for attack mode. And although the photon cannon concealed beneath her tail is her weapon of choice in robot mode, she prefers attacking Predacons with her armor slashing, titanium-plated talons!
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 7.0
Firepower: 4.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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