Airazor (Transmetal)
Airazor's Beast ModeAirazor's Vehicular ModeAirazor's Robot ModeAirazor's Shield Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Chrome silver, creamy cyan, yellow, and white, with some red, orange, silver, gray, black, neon orange, and brown
Rating: 7.4

    Beast mode is a metallized hawk. This mode looks and is large for a deluxe, and looks a lot better than the original Airazor. Very nice colors, but her robot chest on her underside sticks out a lot and her robot legs stick out of her back and look odd. The detailing is only so-so in this mode as well, most of it concentrated on the feet and silver plating.
    Vehicle mode is a hawk with pontoons sticking out from under its wings and turbo engines exposed from its shoulders. This isn’t much of a vehicle mode; all it looks like she can do is land on water and fly without flapping her wings now. Still, considering few of the Transmetals' vehicle modes are very good, this one is average.
    Robot mode is very nice-looking, with a very cyber-organic body. She now looks more like a female than her original mode. There are a lot of extras in the back, though, like her eagle wings and engines. Although they don’t get in the way a lot, they are bulky and make it hard for her to stand up on just her robot legs. She has bird talons on her hands that look like machine guns, and, although the instructions don’t say this, her pontoons can become transformed to look like guns.
    She has a special mode, “shield mode”, in which her top eagle plates fit over her chest to make her look like a giant shield with a head and legs. Although hard to transform into, due to the fact that you have to position the hands just right, this mode is very nice.
    A nice transformer overall, and large for a deluxe, although a bit extra-heavy in robot mode. Recommended.

Airazor Transmetal Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Recon
A quantum surge has completely rearranged Airazor's structure to include a metal-armor coating and a pontoon plane substructure that provides the added advantage of sea reconnaissance. Already quick as lightning, her twin jets furnish extra high-level acceleration and agility. Her optical matrix scanners can detect Predacon ground movement from 30,000 feet while her armor-ripping talons send fearful sparks through the Predacon army.
Strength: 5.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 4.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Endurance: 6.0
Courage: 7.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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