
Full Name: Amanda Sefton

Mutant Power: N/A; Amanda's a regular human.

Voice Actor: Moneca Stori

First Appearance: "Shadow Dance"

Back Story: Amanda was a regular girl at Bayville High... until one day when she saw Nightcrawler deactivate his holowatch and teleport out of the school from the other end of the hallway. Kurt and his X-Friends thought no one say him teleport away, but, well... they were wrong. Amanda had already had a bit of a crush on Kurt before that whole situation, but now she HAD to get to know him. She shied away from him for a while afterwards, not telling anyone else about her "experience" (understandably), until Kurt asked her to the dance one day. During the dance, she revealed to Kurt that she knew about his "secret". Later, when they were alone on the street, Kurt showed her his powers and real appearance, after much persuasion by Amanda. The two are now a close girlfriend/boyfriend duo, despite a mishap in which Amanda's parents forbid her from dating Kurt. >;)

Personality: Amanda is one of the very few regular humans on the show who actually doesn't mind Mutants. She actually finds them pretty interesting, to the point where one would think she might actually want to be one. She wishes humanity didn't scorn the Mutants like they do, but, she's not an active public defender of them, it seems. Too shy, I s'pose. She's also surprisingly mature for her age, and a pretty kind and sweet person, too. She wants Kurt to stop using his holowatch, since it's been revealed that he's a Mutant anyway, but she can't get him to do it.

Final Reflections: Amanda actually wasn't a new character for Evo- she was in the original comic series... but she happened to be a dabbler in magic. Thank goodness they got rid of that for Evo- that kinda stuff just really doesn't belong here, in my opinion. Anyways, I really wish Amanda and Kurt's relationship had developed into something that affected the overall plot- maybe if Amanda was kidnapped, or something. As it was, they just seemed to be a boyfriend/girlfriend duo in their offtime, and not much else was done with it.

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