Blitzwing (Animated)
Jet ModeTank ModeRobot Mode (Cold Face displayed)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation to tank mode: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to robot mode: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull matte tan, black, glittery purple, and some transparent orange, red, light pastel blue, and dull brownish red
Rating: 7.7

    Because Blitzving here is a triple-changer, each mode will be reviewed in turn. The mode that he comes packaged in-- his jet mode-- is by far the most practical of his three modes, given its flight capabilities. However, design-vise, I cannot deny that the toy's triple-changing aspect does affect many aspects of this mode. The most obvious are ze tank treads under ze wings-- it basically looks like a jet with tank treads, which is a rather big extra. It's also not very solid-looking when seen from a side angle, as vell. My main complaint about it, however, is that it does not stay togezer well at all-- many of the large pieces do not peg into any others in this mode, sadly making it rather floppy, particularly when it comes to ze rear wings. The joint at the base of ze nosecone is also rather floppy, so it can tend to droop a bit. There are definitely zome good parts about this mode, however, such as the well-proportioned nosecone and wings, though the rear part of ze jet looks too bulky. Using ze tank turret as ze afterburners in this mode was a particular stroke of genius. The colors (and alternate modes) are a direct homage to Generation One Blitving, and the tan and purple color scheme goes togezer very well, with those two colors and the black complementing each other very well, so I have no complaints there. The mold detailing is rather sparse, given the Animated aesthetic, but zere are still some interesting details such as the rivets and panels on ze wings. Oddly enough, Blitzving has a Movie Decepticon symbol on his nosecone as opposed to a "normal" one.
    Zat silly jet mode is no match for ze awesome tank mode, though! For one, it is COMPACT and BULKY, and it actually FITS TOGETHER, unlike ze stupid jet! Plus, it doesn't have nearly a much jet parts visible-- it looks pretty solid like a TANK! The wings in particular fold up really well, and nice, and it is GREAT! It's also the only mode to actually have a good amount of FIREPOWER, with each of the barrels on the turret able to fire its own spring-loaded missile launcher! YEEAAHH!!! Take zat, you puny Autobot scrap! It looks fantastic from the front... just DON'T LOOK AT IT FROM ZE REAR! It looks like a collection of random parts from the other two modes (which it is)! The tank is also rather puny in size in comparison to the other two modes, and in this rezpect pushes the envelope of the Animated look a little bit much! It doesn't look very threatening at all! But who needs to look threatening when it still does the job of POUNDING YOUR FACE INTO ZE PAVEMENT!
    Of courze, ze robot mode is where this toy iz at! It's got so many good points it'z CRAZY!!! For one, the proportions are very close to ze show model, which is a really hard feat given the triple-changeyness of ze toy! The wing strutz do stick out from behind the elbowz, but that's about ze only piece of alternate mode kibble in thiz mode-- again, a real achievement! The turret ends up behind Blitzving's back, but it can't bend over his shoulders to shoot as hiz opponents like in ze show! What NUTCASE overlooked ZAT, huh!? HAHAHAH! Of courze, Blitzving's main gimmick involves hiz head rotating on a dial behind his head to show off his three different faces, which are hiz three different personalities! What a CRAZY concept! And it haz a World War II-style helmet to cover ze other two heads not in view-- as if he wasn't already German enough! HAHAHA! The dial is razher hard to turn, though, so it'z better just to push the faces around manually. The bezt-looking one is clearly the crazy face! He looks like a jack-o-lantern face in the dark, HAHAHA! It'z perfect! The "ice-colored" head iz one of the most imaginative, however-- it represents Blitzving's cool-headed, competent personalitiy, and having one of the monocles look like an optic only exemplifies thiz look. The red-faced head should not be ignored, though! It is the WIDEST and BIGGEST head with a HUGE chin, which is appropriate for the most hot-headed and angry of the three personalities! It iz also the only face that, when in full view, lets you only see ZAT FACE and not any of thoze other pathetic faces because of its width! Plus, this face is also an homage to G1 Blitzwing, who had a similar visor on his face! Az far az articulation goes, Blitzving has still got it for the most part, baby! He can move at ze neck, ze shoulders (at two points), ze elbows (at two points), ze hips (at two points), ze knees (again at two points-- notice a pattern, HAHA!), and ze ankles. Ze wrists can also move inwards, but what kind of insane limited movement iz zat, huh?!
    Overall, Animated Blitzving pulls off the triple-changing gimmick somewhat well, though many of his parts end up not fitting togezer and looking "solid", particularly in ze jet mode. Ze tank mode fits togezer MUCH better, but it has odd proportions and a bunch of random junk parts hanging out ze backside! However, ze robot mode is zo well-done and full of personality that it can actually negate some of the other modes' downzides-- it's certainly ONE-OF-A-KIND!!! HAHAHAH! Overall, I would recommend thiz toy if you have a zing for triple changers or like ze character on ze show, but hiz alt modes as a whole do not hold up very well, even considering ze Animated aesthetic.

Blitzwing Character Bio:
"Whoooo! I'm freaking out!"
Even by Decepticon standards, Blitzwing is totally insane. He's got three personalities packed into his cyberium-steel chassis, and he argues with himself almost as often as he argues with other Decepticons. The only person he listens to without interrupting is Megatron, because all three of his personalities are terrified of the Decepticon commander. He carries a superheater cannon and a hyperfrost emittter to burn or freeze his enemies.
- Sometimes changes to tank in midair, and crashes
- Likes to freeze, then melt his opponents
- Has trouble flying in a straight line

Review by Beastbot

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