Bumblebee (Elite Guard)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, dull metallic bronze, yellow, transparent dark blue, and some silver, moderately dark red, and light pale yellow
Rating: 8.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Animated deluxe Bumblebee. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Animated deluxe Bumblebee here.)

    Bumblebee, of all 'bots, in the Elite Guard? Well, at least according to the bio it's his ATTEMPT, at least. Regardless, Bumblebee still retains his characteristic yellow for this redeco, but it's considerably less prominent, particularly in his vehicle mode. Instead black with bronze accents are his new main colors, and it looks fan-TASTIC. Those two colors together look loads better than Bumblebee's original, rather blah yellow color scheme. Making the lower half of the vehicle mode bronze and the top half black also was a cool touch and makes his vehicle mode look less plain. I don't like how they just painted black over his siren instead of painting it the requisite red, though. The yellow still makes him look like Bumblebee (well, moreso I suppose, given his face sculpt), but it's in a lesser amount and serves as a very nice contrast color to the black and copper. The silver Elite Guard symbols, face, and headlights are also a nice contrast and a good tertiary accent color.
    No mold changes have been made to Elite Guard Bumblebee.
    Elite Guard Bumblebee is a really nice redeco, retaining enough yellow "Bumblebee-ness" while making the overall color scheme much better and more visually interesting. Unless you're a stickler for show accuracy, I'd go for this one over the original deluxe any day.

Elite Guard Bumblebee Character Bio:
"I'm so hot it hurts!"
After getting up close to members of the Autobot Elite Guard, Bumblebee wants more than ever to be one of them. It is his personal opinion that the one thing the Elite Guard needs to be perfect is to lighten up a little bit, and he's just the guy to put the "lite" back in "Elite." His first step to fitting in with the Elite Guard is to look the part, so he had Sari borrow some of her dad's auto-painting robots to help him achieve his new look.
- Enhanced energy stingers
- Difficulty taking corners at top speed
- Takes combat training with Prowl

Review by Beastbot

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