Soundwave w/ Ratbat (Electrostatic)
Robot Mode (w/ Ratbat's beast mode)Robot Mode (w/ Ratbat's keytar mode)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Pale bluish black, black, and some pale lavender, transparent light red, light red, and pale metallic gold
Rating: 8.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Animated deluxe Soundwave w/ Laserbeak. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Animated deluxe Soundwave w/ Laserbeak here.)

    Whereas the original Animated Soundwave toy has more of a "techno" color scheme and vibe to him, the Electrostatic repaint has a more "gothic/hard rock" feel to it. (Oooh! Punk rock redeco next, please!) I kinda like the "themed" music repaint, and it works surprisingly well for ol' Soundwave. All those red tribals on his vehicle mode REALLY look spiffy, as do the new red windows/robot chest and red highlight paint apps. The lavender highlights also help to add to the "gothic" feel as well. It's a good thing his accent colors look so good, since without them Soundwave would look rather boring-- his main plastic colors are black and... a bluish black. Maybe putting in a bit o' that lavender and red would've made Electrostatic Soundwave look even better, though he's still plenty cool as is. I normally prefer a "pure" black, but the bluish charcoal black actually seems work work a bit better with the other colors than a straight black and makes him seem more "gothic", somehow.
    No mold changes have been made to Electrostatic Soundwave, but he now has a new partner-- move over Laserbeak, Ratbat's taking your place! Ratbat's a keytar in his alt mode, and looks pretty good. The black and lavender really play off each other really well, and he's surprisingly detailed for an Animated toy-- little volume bars and piano keys along his body are pretty well-sculpted. The one caveat I have about this mode is that his bat head is just... THERE... at the end of his keytar mode. No attempt is made to hide it, and it just looks goofy. At least have a flip-down piece to cover his eyes, or something. In bat mode, though... euuugh. Ratbat just looks BAD. His transformation is pretty cool-- his whole body splits and accordions outwards-- but the result simply isn't worth it. Oh, his bat head looks really cool. Love the stylized bat-ears. And making the wings from the halves of the keytar is ingenious. Unfortunately, he's got pretty much NO main body to speak of-- he's just a head and wings. Well, and technically feet, since that's how he plugs into Soundwave's vehicle mode-- but they're ludicrous stubs of feet, even for bat feet. It just frankly looks ridiculous. As for articulation, Ratbat can move up-and-down near the middle of his wings, and his forehead is on a ball joint. (No, that wasn't a typo. His FOREHEAD.)
    Electrostatic Soundwave w/ Ratbat is a pretty nice "gothic metal" repaint of the character with some very nice paint apps to accentuate his darker main colors, but his new partner is a laugh and a half in beast mode (and not the good kind). I think Electrostatic Soundwave, in terms of colors, is about on-par with the original version of this character, but the very weak partner has me recommending the original release of this toy slightly more than this one.

Electrostatic Soundwave w/ Ratbat Character Bio:
"Are you ready to rock?"
After a couple of years working alongside Laserbeak, Soundwave realized it was time for a change. His new partner, Ratbat, lets him lay down multiple tracks of sound at a time, creating frequencies that can do more than just control other robots. Now, Soundwave is into straight-up mind control. Using complex synth beats he can make people-- and even the Autobots-- do whatever he wants.
- Invented a note that can actually rock a robot's face off
- Recently got really into old Earth Westerns
- Ratbat synth mode fires lightning bolts

Review by Beastbot

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