Oil Slick (Animated)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark dull olive green, black, dull mustard tan, and some dull light bluish gray, pastel bright yellow, transparent light green, and metallic greenish gold
Rating: 8.0

    Oil Slick was initially a toy-only character, but he did make a brief appearance in Season Three of Animated, though as a Cybertronian vehicle, not a futuristic Earth motorcycle like this toy here. Oil Slick's motorcycle mode is decent, with some nice proportions if you factor in the Animated aesthetic. I like the slightly oversized wheels, and I LOVE the ram-skill front. I mean, that almost sells the alt mode right there. There's only a headlight on one side of that front area, though, which is kinda odd. I like how the barrels attached to the rear sides of this mode sort of look like thrusters, even though the actual exhaust ports are in the very back. "Enclosing" the rear wheel in the vehicle mode was an interesting design decision, and certainly makes Oil Slick stand out from most other motorcycle TFs even if you factor out the Animated aesthetic. The handlebars are also adjustable, and made of bendy plastic so they aren't too fragile. I'm not fond of how thick the wheels are, though, particularly the front wheels-- it's entirely too obvious that they become the robot arms, especially since they attach to the main body of the vehicle via two "bars", not just one (each "bar" forms one of the upper arms, that's why). That's probably my biggest complaint about this mode. The upper legs are also a little vislible in this mode, and the sear is way too small proportionally, even factoring in the Animated look. As for Oil Slick's color scheme, the tan/dark green/black color scheme works fairly well for someone skilled in chemical warfare. I don't think it's particularly exciting, but the colors certainly don't clash, either. I also love the tattoo-esque designs on the main body of the motorcycle, and the mostly greenish-gold and black paint apps are used enough and look good on their surrounding colors-- no large unpainted areas of plastic on this toy.
    Oil Slick's transformation is fairly straightforward, mostly consisting of standing up and unfolding the toy and then rotating his head up. He certainly has a unique look in robot mode, but for the most part it's not a BAD unique look. I love the transparent green "tank" he's got over his face-- it adds loads of character and is appropriate given his expertise in chemical warfare. The face sculpt itself is decent enough, except for the nose, which is so wide it looks dorky. The pelvis thrusts out from the chest at a slight angle, which is... odd. Oil Slick's overall proportions are a bit exaggerated even for an Animated toy, with long, skinny upper legs and arms while the feet and hands are wide and large. This is particularly noticeable with the hands, which are each made from half of the entire front tire of the vehicle mode. The claws that unfold from the wheels look very cool, and the big hands are a neat look-- however, they would look much better if the thumbs and fingers on each hand were much closer to each other than they actually are. Having them spaced almost halfway around the wheel makes them look disjoined and really odd. His large feet I don't have a problem with, though having the exhaust pipes as the actual feet looks a tad odd. The motorcycle seat halves form his heels, though, giving him quite a good amount of stability despite his lanky appearance. The only real robot mode extras are the handle bars behind his shoulders, so he's got no problems there. He also has very good articulation-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows (at two points), at the base of each thumb and the three claws on each hand (as one piece for the latter), and he can also move at the hips, knees, and ankles. And, given his stability and lack of back-heaviness, this means he can pull off a ton of cool poses. On mine the hip joints are bit loose, though. As far as weapons, Oil Slick's two barrels can detach. Both can attach in his hands. One splits in half to become an uber-cool chain weapon, while the other just has its... top... open up. Er, yeah, not sure what that's about. But at least the chain weapon's cool!
    Oil Slick has a lot of character, but his rather simplistic, straight-forward transformation, a few wonky proportions in robot mode, and a few minor extras in vehicle mode keep him from being the best-of-the-best. Still, he's a fine figure in his own right, and if you're looking for a good Transformer with a unique look, this one will fit the bill.

Oil Slick Character Bio:
"Fear is my ally."
Vehicle to vehicle combat is something all Transformers are skilled in, but with Oil Slick, it's a particular specialty. He knows more about how to disable and destroy a vehicle than almost anyone else in the galaxy. He knows that if can break down the robot inside, the vehicle will come screeching to a halt. Canisters attached to his sides dump special chemicals that unlock the deepest fears of any robot exposed to them, while at the same time rotting wheels and burning through axles. Once the vehicle mode is destroyed, Oil Slick moves in close to finish off with his chain weapon.
- Talented chemist and mechanic
- Trained in Circuit-Su with Prowl
- Immune to chemical attacks

Review by Beastbot

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