Megatron (Shadow Blade)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Leader
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, dark metallic purple, and some transparent fuchsia, metallic slightly purplish silver, and royal purple
Rating: 8.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Animated Leader Megatron. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Animated Leader Megatron here.)

    Megatron's new color scheme certainly evokes the "Shadow Blade" prefix to his name. He's almost all black. In fact, minus the transparent fuchsia plastic used for his helicopter cockpit and the clear parts in his robot chest and optics, ALL of his plastic parts are completely black. This would have a tendency to get boring, but Megatron has quite a few dark metallic purple and metallic silver paint apps on him (with the latter having an ever-so-slightly purple hue to it as well). These break up the black quite a bit, especially the silver-- having it on the gun and copter blades looks really cool. The purple also looks quite good against the black, and I LOVE the stylized paint decorations used with the color (particularly on the chest), but unfortunately it's a bit too dark. If light isn't shining on it fairly directly, it tends to fade in with the surrounding black. Having it a slightly lighter shade of purple-- perhaps the more straightforward royal purple used on his chin and chest in robot mode-- would have made the toy look even cooler than it already is.
    No mold changes have been made to Shadow Blade Megatron.
    Shadow Blade Megatron is an excellent, fairly imaginative redeco, with the silver, purple, and black working together quite well. If the purple was a tad lighter it would have been saliva-inducing in its coolness, but it's still pretty neat. Recommended over the original Leader Megatron, easily.

Shadow Blade Megatron Character Bio:
"Fear my wrath!"
In preparation for returning to space, Megatron repaints his armor. He prefers these colors, because they allow him to disappear against the dark background of outer space. There, his actions are made silent by the vacuum, and blackness hides his movements. Hidden in the dark, he seems to attack from nowhere. He is a ghost in the cosmos, striking down his enemies without hesitation, and without mercy.
- Swords absorb and redirect energy blasts
- Blades can cut through even the hardest armor
- Fast enough to block or dodge lasers

Review by Beastbot

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