Waspinator (Animated)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark forest green, light leafy green, transparent violet, and some black and metallic greenish silver
Rating: 7.5

    At long last, fan-favorite Beast Wars character Waspinator returns, this time as a freaky technorganic wasp in Animated! In wasp mode, Waspinator certainly looks insectoid, though in keeping with Animated's sharp lines and relatively sparse mold detailing. I particularly like the snazzy green-and-black-striped abdomen when it comes to detailing, and the little insectoid hexagons in the wings also look great as well. As for colors, Waspinator keeps his original's dark green, but adds in some light green (which makes for a fantastic contrast color) and some transparent violet to make him more "Decepticon-y" and shake things up a bit. The transparent plastic works quite well for "light piping" in both his beast mode and robot mode optics, and using bits of transparent plastic in the legs also looks great, too. However, that said, another accent color or two wouldn't have hurt, particularly on the legs which are complelely lacking in paint detailing. There are a few major things I don't like about this mode, though. The first is that the antennae from Waspinator's robot head carry over into beast mode, and they look RIDICULOUSLY small proportionally when used for the wasp head. It looks goofy. Also, Waspinator's insect legs are rather weak in terms of their design. The back two legs are obviously the robot legs, and are awkward-looking. The front four "legs" are actually only connected to the body at one point on each side, as they only split slightly below the shoulder, so that looks rather weird. On the plus side, Waspinator has a simple, though rather nifty gimmick-- pushing up and down quickly on the small lever in Waspinator's lower back will cause his insect wings to flap back and forth very quickly, "vibrating" as you'd typically see a wasp's. Nice, and it doesn't interfere with the toy, either!
    Waspinator's robot mode is quite nice, overall, and a bit better than his beast mode, if I do say so myself. His proportions are quite nice, being fairly "slim" like an insectoid robot should be while still having somewhat bulky upper arms to emphasize his increased power and strength in this "new" form. His overall design, though, is way too similar to his beast mode for my liking. It's basically just his wasp mode, standing up, with a new head and the front four legs combined into the arms. Plus, Waspinator's head looks similar to a wasp's anyway due to the homage, so the head isn't too much of the departure either. (The head mold is done very well, however-- an obvious homage to his Beast Wars self, but with longer antennae, smaller optics, and a larger chin-- certainly fitting for the Animated aesthetic.) I do really like the added vestigial limbs on the stomach, though, as they make Waspinator look more freakish than he already is and sort of emphasize that aspect of him more. Waspinator's articulation is quite good-- he can move at the neck at two places, shoulders (at two places), elbows, up-and-down at the waist, at the hips (at two places), the knees, and the ankles. More lower arm articulation is about the only thing he's really missing. (Also, in case you're wondering, Waspinator's wing-flapping gimmick works in this mode as well.)
    Waspinator looks fairly good, particularly in robot mode, and is definitely a great homage to the Beast Wars character of the same name. However, there's far too little to his transformation for him to be all that interesting when compared to most of the other Animated toys, as his two modes are far too similar. He doesn't have any particularly complex gimmicks or weapons to offset that big downside, either. This is certainly a recommendation for big "Waspy" fans or those who like insectoid Transformers, but otherwise your money is better spent elsewhere in the Animated line.

Waspinator Character Bio:
"Waspinator rules!"
Driven crazy by years locked in an Autobot prison, Waspinator is determined to take revenge on the robot who put him there-- Bumblebee. Now, after bizarre experiments conducted by Blackarachnia, he finally has the power to make his vengeance a reality. He has come to Earth hunting the Autobot speedster, and he will not stop until Bumblebee is a pile of smoking scrap.
- Energy stinger paralyzes other robots
- Can survive even after being blown to pieces
- Was an Autobot before his time in prison

Review by Beastbot

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