Optimus Prime (Nightwatch) [Bumper Battler]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray, moderately dark blue, black, and some bright green, silver, red, bright orange, light electric blue, and light pastel blue
Rating: 4.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Bumper Battler Optimus Prime. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Bumper Battler Optimus Prime here.)

    Nightwatch Optimus Prime looks like he'd be at home in some sort of big city underground racing circuit. The black and midnight blue color scheme is right at home with the neon green windows and and red details if you come at it from that point of view and not solely from a realistic direction. (After all, it's Animated, you're in the wrong TF line if you're looking for realistic-styled toys.) The color scheme may not seem like it's good from just listing off the various colors, but just the right amount of the colors are used pretty much across the board, and it all comes across really well, particularly in vehicle mode. I particularly like how the green and midnight blue look together, they contrast EXTREMELY well. The red is also a nice contrast color, especially against the black, and Nightwatch Prime also has several accent colors-- often used in only one or two places-- that also help add plenty of nice detailing to the toy, such as the light blue on his axe and bright orange headlights. I also find it interesting that Prime has a symbol on the right side of both the front bumper of his vehicle mode and on his right shoulder in robot mode that both look like sort of Autobot police symbol-- has he switched duties for this form? Just about the only thing I'm not fond of when it comes to the color scheme is that there's large swaths of unpainted light milky gray visible in robot mode, which doesn't look too hot and detracts a bit from the otherwise "dark" color scheme of Nightwatch Prime.
    No mold changes have been made to Nightwatch Optimus Prime-- however, some of his sound effects are new. After several presses of his sound effect buttons, this is a list of what I've got:
- Engine revving noise
- Transforming noise
- Tires screeching noise
- Siren blaring noise
- Crashing noise
- Axe striking noises
- "Nice teamwork, 'bots!"
- "I'll protect the Allspark!"
- "Evasive maneuvers!"
- "Go!"
- "Gah!"
- "Autobots..." (always followed by another appropriate phrase)
- "Go go go!"
- "I need backup, stat!"
- "We're taking that driver down!"
- "Transform and roll out!"
    Nightwatch Optimus Prime is a great repaint-- one that I'd definitely like to see on a mainline toy, even if it didn't make it into the show. I really like the "street racing" vibe it has to it, and the new sounds make it feel more different than "just another repaint". Recommended over the original Bumper Battler Optimus Prime.

Nightwatch Optimus Prime Bio:
If he has to fight, Optimus Prime prefers to do it out in the open, and to keep it fair. He's wise enough to know that the Decepticons don't feel the same way, so he uses his special night mode that lets him sneak up on the bad guys without being seen.

Review by Beastbot

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