(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Animated Cybertron Mode Ratchet. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Animated Cybertron Mode Ratchet here.)
"Fisitron's" name is
a copyright work-around for his real name, Ironfist (whose name now legally
belongs to a certain Marvel superhero), as Fisitron is an anagram of Ironfist.
(It was also the "pen name" of Ironfist in the IDW comic-verse, which is
mostly what's responsible for his recent surge in popularity.) Staying
true to Animated, Fisitron's scheme is rather colorful and eye-catching,
being mostly a pale dull bluish-green and pumpkin orange, with some black
to serve as a neutral color. The two main colors contast against each other
well enough, but I feel that they're both just a tad too "bold"-- if you
look up pictures of the original Ironfist, you'll see that the orange on
him is more of a tan color and the green is more of a blue, which I feel
would've looked a bit better on this toy. There IS a smidge of tan on this
toy, though it's just used for a couple of mostly interior "connector"
pieces, and this really doesn't add to (or detract) from the overall color
scheme. I do really like the metallic fuchsia paint and transparent red
plastic used for his window/chest, though-- they make for wonderful accents.
Fisitron has the same
head mold as the Autotroopers, but it's
been painted sufficiently differently enough where it works very effectively
for his character-- painting the Autotroopers' visor to look like two seperate
eyes certainly helps a lot, and the goggles on his forehead certainly work
well for the guy. No complaints here. Of note is that in addition to being
a Botcon 2011 exclusive, Fisitron was only available ("free") if you bought
the expensive preregistrant Primus package AND picked the set up in person
at the convention-- so this toy is no doubt worth quite a lot of money.
Fisitron is an excellent
re-use of a mold and head originally intended for the Autotroopers that
both makes sense and capitalizes a bit on the character's recent surge
in popularity. That said, I think that although his color scheme is overall
decent, the main two colors are a tad TOO saturated, and at least one of
'em should've been toned down a bit. If you're a big fan of the character
or Animated enough where you're willing to pay aftermarket prices, I'd
mildly recommend him-- otherwise, you can probably pass.
Review by Beastbot