Starscream (G2) [TFCC 2015 Subscription Service Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon (G2)
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Off-white, glossy light reddish orange, black, moderately light gray, and some very pale gray, dark blue, moderately dark purple, transparent dark purple, orangish "cheesy" yellow, silver, red, and white
Rating: 9.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Classics Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Classics Starscream here.)

    The Classics Starscream mold has been redecoed yet again (not that I'm complaining), and for the third time it's Starscream. This time around, though, it has his G2 deco pattern (his G2 toy was mostly his G1 toy with some different colors, as well). The "basic strokes" of Starscream are still here-- he's got a good amount of gray and red-- but the gray is a bit more dispersed and mostly used in paint apps this time around, and the "red" is actually a very light orangish red used almost entirely on his main body and thrusters. (The red-- along with the oddly purple-painted missiles-- certainly make this toy look rather "G2-ish".) For his G2 version most of Starscream's plastic is an off-white shade (with the paint on the wings being a solid white-- but this paint isn't used much, so the color being off a little isn't really an issue). Speaking about his vehicle-specific paint apps first, I do like the rather flat gray and a bit of black around the edges of his wings, with nice purple G2 symbols. I'm not fond of the gray camo on the wing interior, though, as it's too pale and doesn't show itself obviously enough. On the vertical tailfin there's a bit of the same reddish orange as his main body, which helps spice up the rear section of this mode a bit more. The transparent purple plastic on the nosecone is also just a great shade and contrasts excellently against the off-white. In robot mode Starscream's sheer number of paint apps and colors is particularly impressive, with more black plastic visible on his launchers, upper legs, and a few other minor parts. The yellowish-orange, red, black, and silver paint apps on his thrusters and feet help to simulate the stickers on his G2 toy quite well (while all being actual tampos/paint apps, which is quite impressive). I particularly like the dark blue on his knees, which contrasts with his off-white so darn well.
    No mold changes have been made to G2 Starscream, though unfortunately like Nacelle, some of the toys (though not all) have the connector hinges for the main wings pinned in backwards. It's unfortunate, but a fairly easy fix-- just take an exacto knife to the opposite side of these pieces and knock off a little of the edge so that the wings can fold in again, and you're good.
    G2 Starscream is a decent redeco, with an impressive number of paint apps on an already great mold. However, his basic colors ARE a bit similar to Starscream's usual colors, and I wish for their last go at this mold FunPub had done another Seeker character than yet another Starscream. That plus the misassembly makes me a bit more down on this toy than I otherwise would have been. Again, pretty nice deco job, but ultimately I feel a missed opportunity.

Starscream (G2) Bio:
FUNCTION: Decepticon Air Commander
MOTTO: "I've conquered death; nothing is beyond my grasp!"
After floating aimlessly for what seemed like eons, the indestructible spark of Starscream awakened in a new corporeal form. His solitude did nothing to temper his treachery or vanity as he's only become more unbearable and cruel. These are traits he feels will be put to good use in this new time and place.
Starscream is just as proficient in aerial and hand-to-hand combat as ever and uses his null-rays to disrupt the flow of electricity in his victims. His alternate mode-- despite looking archaic-- is capable of reaching speeds up to Mach 4.5. Even with his new strengths and speed, Starscream is well aware that his new body is not as invulnerable as his eternal spark. This can sometimes lead to him hesitating to take risks that he wouldn't have before.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 6.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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