Grimlock (Botcon 2008 Exclusive)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe (comes in a 6-pack with Autobot Jazz, Goldbug, Optimus Prime, and Starscream w/ Razorclaw)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Moderately dark gray, black, and some metallic silver, light orange, transparent orange, bright aqua green, and dull purple
Rating: 7.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Classics Grimlock. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Classics Grimlock here.)

    Hey, it's Classics Trypt- I mean, Shattered Glass Grimlock! Yes, it appears that in "Mirror-verse", Grimlock= Trypticon. I think beyond them both being T-Rexes, the connection is tenuous at best, but anyway. This mold actually works surprisingly well in Trypticon colors-- the gray is noticeably darker than on Classics Grimlock, and the purple, green, and particularly the orange go very well with it. (I wish the gray was even darker, though, both to differentiate him more from Classics Grimlock and to provide more contrast.) The green looks noticeably brighter in most pics than it actually is, which I was heartened to see-- it really works well as an accent color. The silver is a decent color, but unlike the others it doesn't contrast with the gray much. The black is also nice, but it's in the exact same places on this toy that it was on on Classics Grimlock, which I think was a rather poor decision.
    No mold changes have been made to Botcon Grimlock.
    Botcon Grimlock has a pretty cool color scheme, taken by himself-- however, given how Trypticon-y his colors are and how similar his major colors are to his Classics self, I feel a bit more original of a scheme could've been used for a concept like a Mirror Universe.

Grimlock Bio:
FUNCTION: Berserker
MOTTO: "Total victory requires total destruction."
Grimlock is a tragic figure. He was originally developed by the Decepticons as a soldier whose sentience would be based on artificial intelligence rather than a Ember. However, his violent subroutines overrode his logic programming causing him to destroy the facility that created him. Megatron was able to deactivate him and he was stored away, never to be used again. However, when Optimus Prime learned of this creation, he stole Grimlock and reactivated him. Offered a chance to revel in his violent tendencies, Grimlock eagerly joined Optimus Prime and serves as his most potent warrior. Grimlock will not stop tearing through the enemy ranks until they are all destroyed or he can no longer move. He simply cannot feel mercy and has little self control. "I wish I had a thousand more like him!" says Autobot leader Optimus Prime. Fortunately for the Decepticons, he doesn't.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 1.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 1.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 1.0

Review by Beastbot

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