Nightracer w/ Shakar (TFCC 2015 Subcription Service Exclusive)

Allegiances: Decepticon
Size: Legends 2-pack (comes packaged with Krok w/ Gatoraider)

(NOTE: Because this set is composed of repaints, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the set and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original versions of these molds. For a review on Generations Legends Tailgate w/ Groundbuster-- the original versions of these molds-- go here.)

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformations: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, milky gray, and some moderately dark blue, silver, and light pea green
Individual Rating: 4.3

    "Shakar" is an anagram of Raksha, an attender of some of the earliest BotCons and who painted the BotCon 1995 exclusive Nightracer toys. As for Shakar himself, his main colors are black, dark blue, and a rather nice shade of milky gray. (You know me, I'm not usually fan of milky gray plastic, but here it works pretty well for the treads, and is kinda shiny.) The blue contrasts against the black while still keeping the overall color scheme pretty dark-- it's a pretty awesome shade of blue, really. There's also some light pea green paint apps used on the side of the treads, as well as on the chest and waist of the robot mode, which call back to the original Nightracer toy in their color/placement. As one final little touch, Shakar has a silver-painted face. I do wish some of the silver and/or pea green paint had been used on the top of the vehicle mode to break up the black a bit more, but it's still a pretty good color scheme overall.
    No mold changes have been made to Shakar.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (w/ Shakar, Weapon Mode)
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black and some moderately dark blue, light glossy aquamarine, milky gray, silver, flat pale blue, and dark red
Individual Rating: 7.0

    Nightracer-- at least in vehicle mode-- is based on her '95 G2 Go-Bot redeco, and thus has a fairly simple black-with-silver-windows color scheme with a nice pale blue angular line going along her sides and up to the front of the hood. This pale color of blue works fairly nicely with the black, and gives the car mode significantly more contrast and visual interest than it otherwise would have had. I mean, the silver paint on the windows and wheel hubs and the milky gray plastic on the wheels themselves are decent enough colors, but combined with just black I don't think they're enough to make the alt mode interesting. This is especially the case since nothing on Nightracer's front or rear bumpers is painted, which is unfortunate and honestly a bit unexpected for a FunPub toy. In robot mode Nightracer becomes considerably more eye-catching, with the same really nice shade of blue plastic used on Shakar used on her midsection, upper legs, head, and bits of her shoulders. The light glossy aquamarine paint bits on her chest and lower legs serve as a nice accent color, both complementing the blue and contrasting against the black pretty well. The way the paint apps are used on the chest help accentuate the mold and make it look more feminine (which the Tailgate mold can easily pass as, given the proportions). There's also some nice silver used on the faceplate and dark red on the optics to help make it more obvious she's eeeevil. I do wish a few paint apps had been added to the arms-- particularly the lower arm details, which unfortunately are all black. As much as I like the black-and-various-colors-of-blue color scheme, though, it's not accurate to the original Nightracer toy. The original had the same pea green that Shakar has on his chest. I'm not sure why that wasn't carried over to Nightracer-- perhaps so that she didn't look similar to Krok?-- but the lack of the green is odd, considering how faithful FunPub usually is with their updates.
    No mold changes have been made to Nightracer.

Nightracer w/ Shakar Bio:
FUNCTION: Decepticon Gunner
MOTTO: "A good shot is worth more than a big mouth."
Cool, composed, and deadly-accurate, Nightracer is quite possibly the best sharpshooter in the Decepticon ranks, but she sees no reason to brag about her skill-- her results speak for themselves. She can shoot out an Autobot's optics in pitch darkness from 10 miles away, hit a speeding target the size of a gnat, and can drop a selected quarry in a milling crowd while leaving all bystanders unscathed. In vehicle mode she emits rapid-fire twin laser blasts that can shatter nearly any obstacle in her path and her Micron partner, Shakar, can release a flammable chemical to leave an inferno in her wake.
On a personal level she shuns the camaderie of her fellow Decepticons-- the lone exception being Shakar who was assigned to her by Megatron. This aloofness is often mistaken for arrogance. In fact she is justifiably confident in her own ability, and has no need of outside validation-- she feels that interpersonal connections hamper her clarity of thought and action. Despite this outward appearance, her dedication to the Decepticon cause as well as her regard for Megatron's leadership are beyond question.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

    TFSS Nightracer & Shakar have pretty nice color schemes, and it's certainly nice to have a toy of Nightracer that isn't hand-painted. That said, the molds themselves aren't all that great, and it's really weird that the partner figure Shakar has (mostly) the color scheme Nightracer herself should have. Unless you were an attender of BotCon '95 and/or have a particular attachment to the character this is probably a pass-- though as the "surprise figure" of TFSS 3.0, Nightracer is packaged with Krok, so if you get one you'll probably get the other.

Reviews by Beastbot

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