Beast ModeRobot Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Jungle Planet
Cyber Key Code: d0h3
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light gray, charcoal black, transparent smoky black, dull greenish yellow, and some black, red, dark metallic purple, dull metallic orange, and light green
Rating: 8.5

    Brimstone's beast mode is a pterodactyl. (Yeah, I don't know what "Brimstone" has to do with a pterodactyl either, but at least it's a really cool name.) This mode is rather nice-looking, though it does suffer from a few rather obvious robot parts-- the top of the robot head is painfully obvious on the pterodactyl's backside, for one. Also one of the robot legs pokes out from the underside a bit too far, to the point where it makes Brimstone look a little fat in beast mode, heh. Otherwise, I like the look of this mode-- the transparent wings look pretty cool and have a good amount of detailing on them, plus you can even see how the Cyber Key gimmick works inside the wings! When you insert a Cyber Key into the rear of this mode, blades pop out from the front of the wings so Brimstone can cut 'em down as he swoops into Autobots. The pterodactyl head looks rather freakish given its many colors, small eyes, and large, toothed maw, but I imagine it's supposed to be ugly, to make Brimstome look all the meaner. The feet are appropriate small, though the way they're articulated they can't move forward at the knees in this mode, which is kind of a bummer. Brimstone can move his wings up and down, but in an odd design decision, the legs are attached to the wings, so if you move the wings up, the legs also move up until you reposition them. It's not a big downside, but it is worth noting. Brimstone has great beast head articulation however-- he can move up and down (in two places) and sideways at the neck, and can open and close his maw. Brimstone, like the other Jungle Planet figures, has a mesh of organic and mechanical detailing all over him, and it looks really nice, seeing muscle-like details right next to metal plates and vents in the chest. The various colors, which are various organic and mecha colors, also fit right in with the detailing.
    Brimstone's robot mode is freaking awesome in just about every way. For one, he's got superb articulation-- he can move at pretty much any point you could expect, including waist movement and two points of articulation on each of his claw-hands! He's not back-heavy either, so you can get a ton of poses out of ol' Brimstone. The wings accent the mode very well, the claw-hands look very menacing. I especially like his robot head sculpt-- the black face with a voice-box-like mouth and a pterodactyl crest on the top makes Brimstone look REALLY evil! His chest does stick out a tad too far, but I think this is to help differentiate between the skinny waist and make Brimstone look like a freakish, lithe creature. Many of the Jungle Planet creatures are slightly asymmetrical, and Brimstone is no exception, what with him having one "normal" leg and one leg made out of his pterodactyl head-- a pretty creative use for it, actually. I don't mind the asymmetrical detailing of the legs, but I do mind that they have different color combinations, as it seems like that was done for no good reason. I would've preferred if the "normal" leg had a gray lower half and a greenish-yellow foot, like the pterodactyl head-leg. Still, all things considered, a great mode with a ton of personality.
    Brimstone is one of the better Jungle Planet toys, with a GREAT robot mode and a nice beast mode, though he does have some robot extra problems in beast mode and a few minor odd design decisions. Recommended.

Brimstone Bio:
Brimstone likes the simple things -- food, flying, trashing Autobots. He leaves stuff like thinking, planning and noticing what's going on in the world around him to his pal Undermine, which is just as well because that tiny, little head of his contains a badly undersized CPU. Still, being dumb doesn't make Brimstone any less dangerous. In flight, he is totally silent, and his diamond-edged vanadium wing blades can pierce even the toughest armor.
Strength: 5.0
Inteligence: 5.0
Speed: 9.5
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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