Cad Bane
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull grayish green and some dull pale blue, black, silver, moderately pale brown, yellow, dark red, and rusty red
Rating: 9.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the SWTF Magnaguard. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the SWTF Magnaguard toy here.)

    The Xanadu Blood has a rather interesting color deco. The base color-- grayish green-- is pretty blah, but there's really nice, interesting-looking worn yellow and red markings all over the main body of the vehicle. They almost look like they were done in sidewalk chalk that got partially washed away. Anyways, those few touches really add to the visual interest of this toy in both modes-- in fact, I actually like the layout in mech mode a bit better, as they're more spread out there. The couple of silver and copper-brown touches here and there are appreciated, but don't add to the contrast nearly as much. I do really like the addition of the dull pale blue bits in robot mode, though I wish they weren't just on the head and hands-- putting a bit more on him really would've made him stand out even more, in my opinion.
    Cad Bane has a new face sculpt, and it as far as the sculpt goes, it looks great. However, though I don't watch the Clone Wars TV show myself, I've seen many commercials, and he always has a sort of cowboy hat on. He looks odd here without that hat, and I've seen comments from other Clone Wars fans that seem to agree. I understand WHY he couldn't have the hat due to transformation space restrictions, but still, it looks a bit off.
    Cad Bane is a pretty decent redeco-- the core color is a bit bland, but the odd worn markings and dull pale blue bits in mech mode help to offset that all a bit. Plus, it's an excellent mode. If you're a fan of the character and don't mind the bald head, but all means consider this one a high recommendation. Though if you're only looking to pick up one version of this mold, I think the Magnaguard wins out slightly over this guy.

Cad Bane Bio:
Cad Bane has attacked the Senate building on Coruscant and escaped with hostages in his ship the Xanadu Blood. Anakin chases him to a nearby planet and frees the captives. As Anakin is about to capture Bane, the bounty hunter unleashes a nasty surprise: he converts his ship into a huge mech that attacks the Jedi!

Review by Beastbot

(Pictures from Hasbro.)

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