Captain Rex
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, light gray, and some light bluish gray, dark dull pale blue, black, dark gray, dull orangish yellow, clear plastic, brown, light muddy brownish gray, and dark dull red
Rating: 8.0

    Captain Rex's vehicle mode is an AT-TE, a rather weird-looking six-legged vehicle. For the most part, this is a pretty solid vehicle mode-- the proportions are pretty accurate, and a fair amount of the parts on him are moveable. All four of his small guns on the front can rotate, as well as the two small guns on the rear end. His turret can also rotate around 360 degrees, and can fire a spring-loaded missile (it becomes his handheld gun in mech mode). The cockpit is see-through, and Captain Rex has got quite a few paint apps to break up all that gray-- I particularly like the red stripes near the rear end of the vehicle, and the jagged black/gray squares on the sides are rather nice-looking. It's still rather dull by "normal" Transformer standards, but he catches the eye a bit more than many other SWTFs. There are two quibbles I have with this mode, however, one major and one minor. The major one is that the middle part of the AT-TE doesn't look solid at all (and that's because it's not)-- it's just the mech arms (which become the middle two AT-TE feet) poses in front of a quite large gap in the vehicle mode. It's a bit of an eyesore compared to an otherwise pretty much flawless vehicle mode. The minor quibble I have is that the front and back legs can only move at the joint where they meet the main body of the vehicle-- no "knee" or feet movement here. (The middle feet can move where you'd expect, however.)
    In Mech mode, Captain Rex certainly shares some obvious similarities with his namesake-- more specifically, his new dominantly white color scheme and his head sculpt, which looks spot-on accurate. He has some very nice mold detailing as well, particularly on the chest and upper legs-- lots of mechanical diges everywhere, and it's made sure that there's no spot on Captain Rex where there's too much white, as all of it is broken up well enough by the gray. His mech mode proportions are generally good, except for his arms, which look too stiff and skinny. As with most Star Wars Transformers, however, Captain Rex's main downside in mech mode is all of his vehicle mode kibble. It's not nearly as extreme as on some SWTFs-- for the most part, it all tucks out of the way-- but two of the AT-TE feet do hang pretty unceremoniously off of his lower legs, and pretty much the entire front half of his mode is folded up behind his upper back. The latter wouldn't bug me nearly as much, considering that it doesn't get in the way of much movement-- however, there's no place on the upper back to clip it on, to hold the whole assembly down, and so it tends to flop around a bit. Another pair of AT-TE feet also poke out of the back of his mech mode hands, though again, they don't get in the way much even if they do look rather odd. The back halves of the AT-TE form pretty good lower-legs, though they're rather hollow from a side-view. Captain Rex has decent articulation-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), waist, hips (at two points), and knees (at two points). So you can get a fair amount of poses out of him, but-- and this is a big but-- the pegs that hold the two halves of his upper legs together come apart FAR too easily. It's definitely the most annoying thing about the toy, and a real QA issue.
    Captain Rex is a bit above-average for a SWTF. He's not the best, and neither of his modes are perfect-- his vehicle mode has a very noticeable gap, and his mech mode does have some kibble problems, though they aren't nearly as bad as on many other SWTFs. His loose hip pegs are really the only annoying thing about him, though, and all things considered he hasn't sacrificed too much in either mode in order to attain a "completely perfect" alt mode-- again, unlike many other SWTFs. Mildly recommended.

Captain Rex Bio:
The clone trooper marches into combat against the droid army, firing his blaster into the thick sea of battle droids and super battle droids. The clone trooper is surrounded on all sides but has a devastating surprise for the unsuspecting droids: he changes into a huge AT-TE and blasts the enemy with his projectile cannon!

Review by Beastbot

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