Cheetor's Beast ModeCheetor's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Yellow and blue, with some gold and spots of black (as well as green or red, depending on the figure*)
Rating: 7.4

    Beast mode is a cheetah. This is the poorer of the two modes, with his robot parts of his back legs sticking out way too obviously. His gun on his stomach makes him look too fat for a cheetah, and his front legs aren’t very maneuverable. His front two legs are also much smaller than his back legs, making him look a bit disproportionate. His robot face is also somewhat visible under his cheetah head. However, he is nicely detailed.
    Robot mode is very nice. The only major problem is his cheetah head on his chest. It sticks out a lot more than it does on the TV show, and it probably is one of the few heads on the robots’ chests that get in the way. His front cheetah legs also stick out of the back, but they don’t really get in the way much. His legs are nicely done, as is his arms and two guns; a regular gun that you can pretend fires, as well as a gun that squirts water. This gun has a cool gut pattern painted on top of it, since it came from the cheetah’s stomach in beast mode. He has two heads, a mutant head, which looks like some kind of insect, and his head on the TV show.
    A nice robot; recommended.

Cheetor Bio:
FUNCTION: Jungle Patrol
Like a bolt of greased lightning, Cheetor strikes fast and strikes hard. Quiet and confident with incredible reflexes, he is equally efficient when battling in robot mode or in his artificially enhanced organic earth form. Constantly stalks the jungle in search of Predacon enemies, daring them to challenge him and his laser-powered quasar cannon!
Strength: 6.0
Speed: 10.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 5.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Endurance: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Skill: 7.0

*There are three different kinds of Cheetors; one with blue eyes, one with red eyes, and one with green eyes (the most common, and the one pictured).

Review by Beastbot

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