Cheetor (Transmetal)
Cheetor's Beast and Vehicular ModesCheetor's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Chrome gold, aquamarine, creamy gray, and spots of yellow, light red, and black
Rating: 9.3

    Beast mode is one of the nicest I’ve seen. It is nice and sleek, like a cheetah should be, and has some very nice touches and details, like an entirely transmetal gold back. Also, no extras at all. I have nothing negative to say about his mode.
    His vehicle mode is his beast mode with two rocket jets sticking out of the sides of his belly. Although not much of a vehicle mode, it is nice to see Cheetor have some jets.
    His robot mode is rather sleek, too. The only extras are the half of a cheetah face on his hands and his upper cheetah body, carried like a backpack. Except for these minor setbacks, this is a nice-looking toy, with some spots and fur in his robot mode. (If you look carefully, though, you can see a “heart” on his torso muscles.)
    One of the best transmetals toys out there, although the vehicle mode is a bit of a stretch. Highly recommended.

Cheetor Transmetal Bio:
FUNCTION: Robotic Jungle Patrol
Following the massive quantum surge, Cheetor emerged as a cybernetically enhanced cheetah. Meanwhile, his robot form inherited the organic traits once attributed to his beast mode. Now Cheetor prowls the jungle with more agility and power than ever before. Flip-out cyber-thrust wings provide enhanced speed and limited flight while in beast mode, making him part jet, part mechanical cheetah.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 8.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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