(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Class I Episode III Starfighter Anakin Skywalker. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Class I Episode III Starfighter Anakin Skywalker here.)
Following the lead of
the Class II version of this mold, the Episode
III Starfighter has been done up as Darth Vader-- because what's a new
size class without a new Darth Vader, right? Anyways, this redeco takes
its cues almost directly from the Class II version of this figure, with
various shades of dark gray and black being-- appropriately-- the primary
colors. This doesn't leave for a whole lot of contrast, but they ARE certainly
Darth Vader's main colors. The silver-- particularly in vehicle mode--
helps to keep the toy from looking too same-ish, and there are some pretty
decorative paint apps in vehicle mode to keep Vader from looking as boring
as you'd think from a simple description of his color scheme. In mech mode,
this is a bit less of the case, as to keep him looking more like his movie
self his mech parts are almost entirely black, here. That said, there are
still a few nice accent paint apps of light green, red, and silver around
the main body. Darth Vader's lightsabers are also red, which looks great
against the black-- I just wish there was a bit more of that color comparatively,
Darth Vader has a new
headsculpt to to adequately convey that he's, y'know, Vader. It looks quite
good, being a slightly robotic-ized, more angular sculpt compared to his
helmet in the movie. It looks good, particularly at this small scale. Other
than the head, though, no mold changes have been made to this version of
Class I Darth Vader
is the best-looking version of the Class I Episode III Starfighter mold
overall, with a color scheme that looks considerably more interesting than
you'd think a primarily gray-and-black combo would, given all the vehicle
paint apps. (The silver helps in particular.) If you want a cheap Vader
SWTF, you can't do worse (or better, actually) than this little guy.
Review by Beastbot
(Pics from Hasbro.)