Optimus Prime [Voyager] (Classics)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark blue, light milky gray, red, silver, and some black, transaprent blue, and yellow
Rating: 9.8

    Optimus Prime's vehicle mode is, of course, a truck cab. It's very realistic-looking (if you ignore such obvious toy necessities and hinges and the like, of course), right down to the transparent windows with seats visible in the inside. The style of the truck cab is a bit less "square" than Optimus' traditional form, but this new forms helps to modernize him a bit while still making it easily recognizable as Optimus, what with the red, blue, and silver/gray color scheme and all. The silver stripes on the sides and top of the cab help to give the vehicle mode a bit more zazz than Prime's color scheme has traditionally had, as well. The toy all fits together very solidly, and there's no robot extras to speak of, with one exception-- it's rather obvious that the robot feet are on the rear end of the cab, but they still blend in with their surroundings somewhat well. Overall, a great vehicle mode, to be sure. His allegiance rub symbol, in case you're wondering, is on the right side of this mode.
    Prime's robot mode, to put it simply, is one of the most amazing robot modes I've ever seen on ANY Transformer. Practically everything about it is perfect. The only downside I can really see to this mode is that parts of the truck sides hang off the sides of the lower arms, but they don't get in the way of articulation and considering the sheer awesomeness that is everything else, it's EASILY forgiven. Prime's proportions are PERFECT, right down to a switcharoo on the lower chest to make it look like the truck grill and front bumper forms his chest and waist, even they don't (they tuck nicely behind his back). As such, his chest looks considerably slimmer than it otherwise would have, yet still makes him look fairly muscular and ready to take on anyone. His great headsculpt-- very Prime-ish, but with a fiercer expression-- only adds to this impression. His legs are nice and long, but without being too long or beefy, and Prime is EXTREMELY articulated-- he can move at pretty much anywhere you can reasonably desire except the wrists. Heck, he can rotate at TWO different spots at the waist. Given that he's not back- or top-heavy at all, this means you can get him into some fantastic poses. Plus, he comes with not one, but TWO guns-- one double-barreled rifle made out of his smokestacks and a larger gun made out of the roof of his vehicle mode. Both can also be held in a configuration behind his upper back, in case you want his hands to be free.
    Practically flawless with great proportions, articulation, and some nice weaponry, it's hard not to highly recommend this toy to even the most casual Transfan. GET IT NOW.

Optimus Prime Bio:
FUNCTION: Autobot Leader
MOTTO: "No sacrifice is too great in the service of freedom."
The greatest in a long line of Autobot leaders, Optimus Prime is a beacon of hope to those who suffer under the tyranny of Megatron. He is devoted to the defense of weaker creatures, and has dedicated his life to fighting against Megatron wherever he goes. He is unwavering in his compassion, which sometimes allows his enemies to take advantage of him, but he is also utterly without fear in the face of overwhelming odds. Where freedom is threatened, he is an unstoppable force, and a mighty defender of justice and right.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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