Clone Commander Cody
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: White, black, very dull dark grayish brown, and some silver, dull metallic bronze, milky gunmetal gray, metallic gunmetal gray, dark dull brick red, dark blue, and bright orange
Rating: 9.2

    Cody's Turbo Tank mode is pretty near flawless, though for a SWTF it's comparatively got a lot of "undercarriage junk". There's not as much clearance for the wheels as you'd think there would be, and the Mech mode hands are REALLY obvious under the front of the main body of the vehicle mode-- a rarity among SWTFs. The proportions are great (at least, I'm assuming so-- again, not TOO familiar with all the different Star Wars vehicles, but this looks pretty realistic in its proportions), and all the exquisite detailing you'd expect from a SWTF is there. There's not a whole lot of paint apps, though this is made up for in robot mode, admittedly. As with all SWTFs, this toy comes with a Clone Commander Cody miniature figure which can fit inside the cockpit of the vehicle mode. As for its gimmick, the rear gun is a spring-loaded missile launcher which can rotate in place (and which can fit in Cody's hand in Mech mode, albeit not too well).
    Surprisingly, Cody's Mech mode is where the toy really shines. The proportions are surprisingly bulky and Transformer-ish-- no skinny arms or legs here, folks. He also has very good articulation-- he can move at the head, shoulders, elbows (at two places), wrists, waist, hips (at two points), and knees (at two points). The bulky wheels on his arms and legs can get in the way of movement a little, but that's pretty unavoidable given the vehicle mode. Surprisingly, they made good use out of the two wheels on the hips and made them weapon storage containers of a sort-- the one on Cody's left hip opens up to reveal missile pod detailing, and the one on Cody's right hip opens to reveal a small gun that can be held in his hand. The two wheels on his shoulders also slide open to reveal shoulder-mounted tri-barrel blasters. VERY cool. Cody's covered in paint detailing in this mode, given that his color scheme is almost completely different (being of the typical Star Wars orange/white uniform type). Having his "badges" detailed on his chest is also a pretty cool detail, as well. The Mech mode head is detailed pretty much identically to Cody's actual helmet, but given that it looks robotic anyways, I don't mind it, it fits the toy. The only real vehicle "kibble" besides the wheels in this mode are the halves of the top of his vehicle mode splayed behind his upper back, but I actually think this complements the look of the mode, as they look sort of like insect wings that enable him to fly. I DO mind the small antennae piece that detaches from his vehicle mode during transformation and re-attaches to his shoulder in Mech mode, though. Not only does it seem pointless, but it feels a little loose in its hole in robot mode, and given that it's such a small piece, I worry about losing it one of these days.
    Clone Commander Cody is an excellent SWTF, with only a few undercarriage problems with his vehicle mode and unquestionably the best robot mode out of any of the $15 SWTFs as of this writing (8/08). Highly recommended.

Clone Commander Cody Bio:
As one of the Republic's elite clone troopers, Clone Commander Cody is the natural choice to command this advanced turbo tank. Huge, fast, and bristling with weapons, the turbo tank is already an unstoppable force. Little do the Separatists suspect, however, that with a single order, Commander Cody can morph the tank into an awesome fighting robot with enough power to level a city!

Review by Beastbot

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