Clone Trooper
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Grayish white, dull maroonish red, black, and some dark gray, gray, dull orangish yellow, clear plastic, silver, transparent light red, and very dark metallic maroon
Rating: 8.0

    Clone Trooper's vehicle mode is an ARC-170 fighter. I'm not too familiar with the vehicles seen in Episodes II and III, as I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I can only imagine it's pretty accurate in its proportions, and there's pretty much no robot extras. The feet on the rear underside don't quite mesh with their surrounding parts, and the hands stick out just a tad below the wings, but those are really small quibbles. I also can't imagine that the wing-mounted guns are as big in the movies as they are on the toy, but obviously sacrifices have to be made for safety reasons, since each gun fires a spring-loaded missile. As far as the positives go, the ARC-170 fighter has paint apps everywhere there needs to be any, and although the color of off-white, gray, black, and maroonish red isn't particularly good, it doesn't clash and it's apparently movie-accurate, so I can't voice and real complaints there. As far as features in this mode, besides the aforementioned missile launchers, the rear two guns can move up and down and side to side, the front two cockpits can open and close so you can fit the Clone Trooper mini figurine inside them, and panels can open up on the top and bottom of each wing for "flight mode". Overall, a pretty solid vehicle mode.
    Clone Trooper's Mech mode isn't as good as his vehicle mode, but it's still a bit above-average for a Star Wars Transformer. The proportions certainly aren't perfect, but they aren't bordering on ugly like some other toys in the line-- the arms could stand to be a bit bulkier and the legs a bit longer, but other than that his proportions are decent. Clone Trooper does have quite a bit of vehicle mode kibble, but both of the kibble wings actually accent the mode instead of detract from it-- I especially like how the front part of the vehicle mode splits in half to form a "samurai skirt". Using the turbines as the shoulders was also pretty ingenious and relocating the aft guns to the shoulders was also a good idea, to give Clone Trooper a bit more firepower in this mode as well. The kibble on the sides of his head and behind his upper back do just look like random kibble and don't add anything to the mode, however. The head sculpt looks a bit too human as far as the actual face goes, but otherwise it looks very nice, and more like a generic Transformer than a recognizable Star Wars character, which is a positive in my opinion. Clone Trooper also has pretty good articulation-- he can move at his shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), wrists, waist, hips (at three points), knees, and he also has slight side-to-side head movement. What's really weird is that his knee joints are WAY too far down on his leg, being barely higher than the ankles! There's nothing inherent in the overall design that would have made this necessary without major modifications, so this was a really weird decision on the designers' part. Oh, one last positive thing about this mode-- Clone Trooper can actually hold his guns very well, which is sadly a rarity among the toyline.
    Clone Trooper is a bit above-average for a Star Wars Transformer, with an excellent vehicle mode and a nice Mech mode, though it does suffer from some minor kibble and odd articulation/proportion problems. Mildly recommended.

Clone Trooper Bio:
This clone trooper is part of a superior army that defends the Republic during the Clone Wars. Clone troopers are engineered to be powerful warriors, and some, like this clone, also have secret morphing technology. This specialized clone trooper changes into an ARC-170 starfighter and blasts into space to battle Confederacy forces!

Review by Beastbot

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