Clone Commander Wolffe
Vehicle ModeMech Mode\
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: White and some black, dark blue, gray, and moderately light watery blue
Rating: 8.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original SWTF Republic Gunship. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original SWTF Republic Gunship here.)

    Boy, having all these clones in Star Wars sure makes redecos as different characters easy, doesn't it? This time around, the Republic Gunship has been done up as a named clone-- Wolffe. His color scheme of white and dark blue remains intact here, along with a little black and gray to bring in a truly dark color, and all colors contrast against each other quite well-- though I wish just a tad more of the white were painted, particularly in vehicle mode. What really makes the color scheme pop, though, is the watery blue used around the guns in vehicle mode and on the end of the arms, legs, and head in mech mode. It really makes Wolffe stand out amongst a shelf of Star Wars TFs, that's for sure. He also has a bit of a "custom paint job" below the cockpit on each side of the vehicle mode, which helps to give the toy a bit more character than simply "gunship redeco #3".
    No original mold changes have been made to Clone Commander Wolffe, though he does have the same slight head & mold changes that the original "Clone Wars" redeco of this mold had.
    Clone Commander Wolffe doesn't quite top the original "Clone Wars" redeco of this mold in terms of eye-catchiness, but he's close. The dark blue-on-white already looks nice, but add in those "custom" paint apps on the sides of the vehicle mode and those wonderful watery blue paint apps and he's my 2nd-favorite release of this mold. Recommended, particularly if you don't have a version of this mold and want it to be a specific character, as it's a pretty good one for the line.

Clone Commander Wolffe Bio:
The clone commander Wolffe mech leads his Wolfpack squadron against a swarm of battle droids, then converts to a Republic gunship to attack more droids from the sky.

Review by Beastbot

(Images from Hasbro.)

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